The camp where the Zygerrian Alliance held enslaved people captive during the High Republic Era served as a place where they were compelled to work while awaiting purchase. Tragically, some were even used as food for brezaks. The Zygerrian enslavers often made the enslaved wear shock collars, which they would use to inflict pain and torture to force them to work.
Around 255 BBY, Jedi Master Oppo Rancisis and his Padawan Dal Azim attacked the camp. This attack, combined with a revolt led by Lourna Dee against the enslavers during the chaos, resulted in the liberation of many enslaved individuals, including Dee herself.
The Zygerrian camp was shown in flashback sequences in the audio drama The High Republic: Tempest Runner, which was written by Cavan Scott and released in 2021 with a full cast of voice actors.
In a flashback early in "Part 4: Recrimination" of Tempest Runner, Oppo Rancisis calls the camp "the Zygerrian cruiser."