Dal Azim

Dal Azim, a human Padawan of the Jedi Order, was under the tutelage of Oppo Rancisis, a Thisspiasian Jedi Master, during the High Republic Era. Around the year 255 BBY, he accompanied Rancisis on a mission to the planet Zygerria, where they launched an attack on a camp belonging to the Zygerrian Alliance. Their goal was to liberate numerous enslaved individuals, including the Twi'lek Lourna Dee, whom they rescued from an assault by Vardem Kroleyic, a Zygerrian Keeper. Azim also employed the Force to release Dee from the shock collar that the Zygerrians had placed on her.


Rescue mission

Dal Azim's master, Oppo Rancisis

During the High Republic Era, around 270 BBY, Dal Azim, a human, began his life. He would later become the Padawan of the Thisspiasian Jedi Master, Oppo Rancisis. Approximately around 255 BBY, at the age of fifteen years, Azim accompanied Rancisis on a Galactic Republic mission to the planet Zygerria. To liberate the enslaved people held there, Azim and Rancisis initiated an attack on a camp of the Zygerrian Alliance situated on the planet.

Azim and Rancisis eventually gained entry to the enclosures where enslaved people were being held and rescued the enslaved Twi'lek, Lourna Dee, from the Zygerrian Keeper, Vardem Kroleyic. Kroleyic was in the process of attacking her after she had attempted to use the Jedi's assault as an opportunity to start a revolt. After Rancisis used the Force to incapacitate Kroleyic, Azim made sure Dee was alright, before introducing himself and his master and explaining that they were there to assist her. Dee informed Azim that Kroleyic had shot her friend, and Azim offered his condolences and an apology. He then comforted her and assured her safety.


Later, after the battle had concluded, Azim guided Rancisis to meet Dee outside the enclosures from which they had rescued her. Rancisis had heard about her leading a revolt and desired to speak with her. When Rancisis asked her about her origins, Dee said she was from nowhere, but Azim disagreed, stating that everyone comes from somewhere, a sentiment Rancisis concurred with.

Lourna Dee, whom Azim and Rancisis saved from a camp on Zygerria

After Dee voiced her anger about being captured, Rancisis offered his assistance by removing the shock collar that was around her neck, delegating the task to Azim, believing it would be an interesting challenge for him. Dee was hesitant to allow him to do so, as she thought she would be shocked if they tried to remove it without a key, but Rancisis assured her that Azim could use the Force to do it. Prompted by Rancisis, Azim used the Force to deactivate the electronic mechanism to safely unlock the collar, stating that the Force was with them as he did so. Dee thanked Azim, who then took the collar off her neck for her.

Subsequently, Rancisis persuaded Dee to enroll in the Carida Military Academy. He regularly checked in on her, and during one of those check-ins, she expressed that she felt like she could not thrive there because she was different than Azim or Rancisis.

Personality and traits

Dal Azim's height was 1.68 meters (5 ft, 6 in). Azim, a kind and compassionate individual, made certain to check on Lourna Dee and her well-being to ensure she was alright after her rescue from her enslavers. Upon learning that her friend had been killed, he offered his condolences. He also reassured her that she was safe.

Powers and abilities

Dal Azim, having undergone Jedi training, possessed the knowledge of how to use the Force and was capable of moving objects telekinetically. Azim employed the Force to both deactivate and unlock the shock collar that had been placed on Lourna Dee.

Behind the scenes

Dal Azim made appearances in flashbacks in the 2021 audio drama, The High Republic: Tempest Runner, authored by Cavan Scott. The character's surname was first revealed in the 2022 script release of the drama.

