"Urchins," a comic story, initially saw publication within Star Wars Tales 14 and was subsequently included in the compilations Star Wars Tales Volume 4 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 2.
Anakin Skywalker, alongside his companions, discovers a Jedi lightsaber that Watto had acquired from a traveling salesman. Simultaneously, Watto understands the necessity of betting against Sebulba to safeguard his business. During an inspection of Sebulba's newly acquired Podracer, W. Wald inadvertently causes the lightsaber to fall into the engine compartment; as Anakin attempts to recover it, the weapon activates, slicing through several wires. Upon Sebulba's discovery of their presence, Anakin and his cohorts make a hasty departure. Returning to Watto's establishment, Anakin proposes storing the lightsaber and expresses his future ambition of owning one, prompting amusement from his friend. The following day, Watto emerges victorious from his wager when Sebulba's Podracer experiences an engine malfunction.