User:Jedi Sarith LeKit

Hello everyone! I am Sarith LeKit, your friendly neighborhood Jedi Master. As a devoted enthusiast of the Star Wars saga, I contribute as an editor on Wookieepedia and serve as a moderator within its Discussions section.

Given my frequent involvement in the forum, I've compiled a list of handy links here for swift navigation.

My Forum Endeavors

My Forum Contributions

My inaugural forum post can be located within this specific thread. A compilation of threads I personally initiated (excluding those associated with the projects mentioned above) is available in this list.

My Policy Implementations

I have successfully proposed and enacted several changes through the wiki's Consensus track forum, which are documented here for your reference. My efforts center on cultivating a stronger community and formalizing established forum practices into official guidelines.

Personal Story

Discovering Star Wars

My initial encounter with Star Wars was through a video game adaptation. Intrigued, I inquired about the franchise with my mother, and my family subsequently introduced me to A New Hope. I felt compelled to watch the remaining films and immerse myself in a narrative that resonated with me unlike anything else.

After viewing the entirety of the saga that was available at the time, I learned from my peers that there was much more to explore beyond the movies. The revelation that Darth Maul survived beyond The Phantom Menace was surprising to me, and I was determined to learn more. Unsure of where to begin, I eventually discovered The Clone Wars shortly before its cancellation. Fortunately, the new series Rebels began airing soon after.

With one series temporarily unavailable, I sought knowledge through the new canon novels. Tarkin was the first novel I read, and I found it to be an exceptional example of lore and world-building.

Discovering Wookieepedia

I consulted Wookieepedia for research in preparation for the release of The Force Awakens, and after downloading the original application, I found that it also featured a discussion forum. While I didn't meet the age requirements at the time, nor did I have the motivation to participate, I followed the ongoing discussions and gained insight into a new aspect of Star Wars: the community.

I primarily used the wiki to gather information on Rebels episodes, eagerly seeking new details about upcoming episodes. I was unaware that most television series had occasional breaks during a season and became concerned when they occurred.

Harnessing the Force

Beyond my pursuit of knowledge about Star Wars, I was also deeply committed to recreating elements of the universe in my own life. Throughout elementary school, I took kung fu lessons and was particularly excited to learn how to wield swords and staffs. I enjoyed discussing Star Wars and proving my knowledge as the resident expert among my friends after moving to a new school. In fact, our shared interest in Star Wars was the basis for our friendship.

I attend a school that spans grades K–12, which has allowed me to connect with students beyond my own grade level and find more friends who share my level of fandom. In a classic twist of the hero's journey, the new kid has become one of the most well-liked. At the close of seventh grade, a friend wrote in my yearbook, "I dub thee Jedi Knight." It remains one of my most cherished mementos.

I do see myself as a Jedi: it's a way of life I aspire to emulate and use for personal growth. It's fulfilling to pass on the lessons from a franchise about space wizards. I enjoy making comparisons and analogies, so when I learn something new, I often relate it to another story or piece of information. Star Wars is so comprehensive that I can use it as a general point of reference.

Joining Wookieepedia

The Wookieepedia community was a very divisive place following the release of The Last Jedi, and as a fan of the franchise, I gained firsthand experience with differing perspectives on the story. After a new moderator team was established in Discussions, I felt it was a good time to join. I created an account using my Galaxy of Heroes username, and my first post was a response to a thread about users' favorite moments from Attack of the Clones.

While it took me a few weeks to become fully comfortable in the community, I was warmly welcomed by passionate fans and dedicated users. I am grateful to have been promoted to moderator less than a year later, on April 8, 2020. I continue to maintain a high level of activity on both the wiki and forum, and I encourage all users of this site to do the same.

My Star Wars Collection

My family has a subscription to Disney+, so this list excludes Star Wars content that is already available on that platform. It also excludes individual stories that I have collected in larger volumes, which are listed in the subsequent section.

Canon Media

Legends Media

Non-Canon Media

  • Jedi Academy: A New Class
  • William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace: Star Wars Part the First
  • William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh: Star Wars Part the Second
  • William Shakespeare's Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge: Star Wars Part the Third
  • Darth Vader and Son
  • Vader's Little Princess
  • Goodnight Darth Vader
  • Darth Vader and Friends
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
  • William Shakespeare's The Force Doth Awaken: Star Wars Part the Seventh
  • William Shakespeare's Jedi the Last: Star Wars Part the Eighth
  • William Shakespeare's The Merry Rise of Skywalker: Star Wars Part the Ninth
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Media Compilations

Canon Compilations

Legends Compilations

Non-Canon Compilations

Reference Materials

Non-Canon Materials

  • LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
  • LEGO Star Wars: Chronicles of the Force
  • Ultimate LEGO Star Wars

External Resources

I possess several magazine publications featuring articles that are also available online and referenced on the wiki; however, I have yet to compile a comprehensive list of them here.
