The Variable Altitude Repulsorlift Patrol Vehicle, or RPV, was a creation of Kuat Drive Yards employed by the Republic's Correction Authority for diverse applications. Notably, it served as a guardian for the Oovo IV detention facility's reactor, thus acquiring the moniker of reactor patrol vehicle.
A key feature of this vehicle was the presence of three articulated mechanical arms atop its chassis. These arms enabled navigation through confined spaces and could extend to maximize the impact of the concussion missile launcher situated at their ends. Furthermore, an additional launcher was positioned beneath the hull, accompanied by a pair of rapid-firing laser cannon turrets on either side.
Operation of the craft could be managed by multiple pilots or through remote control. Two substantial repulsorlift engines, situated behind the forward arm/laser cannon hubs, provided mobility, enabling the vehicle to maintain a hover for over 100 hours. However, its slow speed led the Correctional Authority to request a dedicated pursuit vehicle, which ultimately resulted in the creation of the Firespray-class prototypes.
During the Oovo IV Uprising, Jango Fett encountered one of these vehicles while attempting to commandeer a Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft. Fett neutralized its weapons and caused it to crash back into the hole from which it emerged.
In the Bounty Hunter's Prima's Official Game Guide, the specifications for the RPV's weaponry differ from the description provided in the vehicle's summary, mirroring its in-game representation. This article's infobox reflects the guide's listing, while the Characteristics section addresses the latter description.