The planet Mandalore was the homeworld of the Veshok tree, a species of evergreen that exhibited a notably slow growth rate. These trees thrived on this Outer Rim world, with extensive veshok forests dominating most of Mandalore's northern hemisphere. Reaching impressive heights, veshok trees yielded a tough, resilient wood that the Mandalorians frequently employed for diverse purposes, from crafting domestic furniture to creating simple playthings for younglings.
Native to the world of Mandalore, located in the Outer Rim, the Veshok tree was a large, slow-growing, evergreen species. These trees flourished on Mandalore, and substantial veshok forests blanketed the majority of the northern hemisphere, extending almost to the planet's polar ice cap. The wood of the Veshok tree was renowned for its hardness and durability, exhibiting a grain structure comparable to that of oak trees.
Over the years, many Mandalorians chose to establish their residences within or near groupings of veshok trees. Due to the widespread presence of veshok trees on Mandalore, it was typical for Mandalorians to utilize veshok wood in the construction of dwellings, furnishings, outdoor fencing, gateposts, and even toys for younglings.
During the era of the Cold War, the Veshok Terrace Apartments situated on Coruscant derived their designation from these robust Mandalorian trees. Several millennia later, Veshok Squad, a clone commando unit within the Special Operations Brigade of the Grand Army of the Republic, also adopted its name from the resilient veshok tree.
Kyrimorut, the stronghold of the Mandalorian Skirata clan and a sanctuary for clone trooper deserters from the Galactic Republic's Grand Army both during and following the end of the Clone Wars, was positioned close to a considerable number of veshok trees. The inhabitants of the homestead employed the tree's sturdy wood in various elements of the Mandalorian bastion, including some of the large vheh'yaim's appointments, and in the creation of Kyrimorut's outdoor roba pin. The Skirata clan also harvested wood from the surrounding veshok trees to burn in Kyrimorut's hearths.
When the Yuuzhan Vong attacked Mandalore during their invasion of the galaxy, a significant proportion of Mandalore's veshok trees were obliterated in the ensuing conflict. Many of the tree-based settlements located within the veshok forests surrounding Mandalore's capital city, Keldabe, were completely destroyed along with the veshok trees eradicated by the Yuuzhan Vong. Nevertheless, by the year 40 ABY, Mandalore's veshok forests had begun their regeneration, gradually regaining their former prominence.
The veshok tree was initially presented in the Star Wars universe within the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force novel, Sacrifice, authored by Karen Traviss, an author, and released on May 29, 2007. In the Mando'a dictionary compiled by Traviss, she mentioned that while veshok trees were conceived as large evergreens, their wood grain bore a stronger resemblance to that of oak trees.