Vester, a male Human hailing from Carida, served the Imperial Navy as a skilled pilot during the era of the Galactic Civil War. During the year 1 BBY, he found himself assigned to Jerec's Imperial-class Star Destroyer, known as the Vengeance. His duties involved transporting Brazack's Ghost Battalion to Sulon with the objective of capturing Morgan Katarn alive for Jerec. Disguised as a vessel belonging to the Rebel alliance, Vester piloted a Corellian light freighter. Utilizing its weaponry, he eliminated the Danga family before proceeding to target the Katarn homestead. After delivering Brazack's commandoes to raid the house, he continued his flight in a northern direction, causing further damage under orders to provide cover if necessary. Subsequently, he retrieved the team back to the Vengeance, escorted by a squadron of five TIE fighters. The commandoes' initial attempt to locate Katarn proved unsuccessful, prompting Jerec to orchestrate a more forceful assault. Imperial forces launched an attack on the G-Tap, which was being defended by Rebels on Sulon. Vester was tasked with ferrying the commandoes to this location. Trol made an attempt to strike the ship with a SLM, but Vester skillfully adjusted the ship's angle, causing the missile to only impact the underside. He managed to regain control of the vessel. The Rebels were unable to launch a second missile before Vester successfully deployed Brazack and his commandoes.