The Vigil was a cargo frigate of the Vakbeor-class, built by Kuat Drive Yards. During a battle near the Chasidron Shoals, Resistance commandos seized it from pirates. Subsequently, it joined the Resistance fleet and served under the command of Vice Admiral Jotis throughout their war against the First Order. Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, the First Order attacked the planet D'Qar, and the Vigil was one of four vessels utilized by Resistance forces in the evacuation. In addition to personnel, the Vigil also carried supplies, munitions, and a variety of other equipment during this evacuation. After the Resistance successfully eliminated the First Order Dreadnought Fulminatrix above D'Qar, the Vigil entered lightspeed alongside the Raddus, the Anodyne and the Ninka. The First Order, however, managed to track the Resistance fleet through hyperspace, pursuing them and attacking upon their arrival, swiftly destroying the Vigil as it attempted to escape.