The Vakbeor-class cargo frigate, alternatively referred to as the Resistance Cargo Frigate, represented a unique type of cargo frigate crafted by Kuat Drive Yards. These vessels saw service within the Resistance navy throughout their conflict against the First Order.
The design philosophy behind the Vakbeor-class centered on merging basic anti-pirate defensive capabilities with a substantial cargo-carrying capacity. Its limited weaponry consisted of four laser cannons, complemented by a pair of tractor beam projectors.
Following the financial collapse of Gallofree Yards, Inc., the Galactic Empire orchestrated the acquisition of the company by Kuat Drive Yards. KDY then integrated existing Gallofree designs with elements borrowed from its own Nebulon frigate series to produce the Vakbeor-class. This novel design failed to achieve widespread success in the galactic starship market, leading to many units being offloaded onto the secondary market. Despite its original purpose as an anti-pirate freighter, it gained popularity among pirate organizations.
One particular vessel, the Vigil, was operated by pirates until its capture by the Resistance, a paramilitary organization sponsored by the New Republic, during a battle near the Chasidron Shoals. The Vigil participated in both the evacuation of D'Qar and the Battle of Oetchi, where it met its end, destroyed by a concentrated barrage from First Order starships.
During the mission to Batuu, several Vakbeor-class cargo frigates were part of a fleet that engaged First Order Star Destroyers in orbit above Batuu during a significant space engagement. One such cargo frigate executed a broadside attack against a Star Destroyer from which Resistance recruits were attempting to escape, but was quickly obliterated by incoming laser fire from the Star Destroyer.
In 35 ABY, Vakbeor-class cargo frigates formed part of a fleet organized by Lando Calrissian to provide assistance to the Resistance during the battle against the Sith Eternal forces above the planet Exegol.
The Vakbeor-class cargo frigate makes an appearance in the 2017 Star Wars saga film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. According to Jason Fry, the class designation of the vessel was inspired by the micro-animal known as the Tardigrade, or vac-bear, which his son developed an affection for during his childhood.