Virgillian Free Alignment

The Virgillian Free Alignment represented a resistance movement within the Virgillia system, opposing the government of that system which received backing from the Galactic Empire. Notably, this group became one of the initial allies of the Alliance to Restore the Republic.


Waged against the Virgillia system's government and its ally, the Galactic Empire, a civil war saw the Virgillian Free Alignment, bolstered by the Rebellion, in active combat.

Around 1 ABY, Dagger, acting as a representative for the Virgillian Free Alignment, encountered the Rebel pilot Arvel Crynyd to convey the information regarding a former student's passing.

Ultimately, the Virgillian Free Alignment's endeavors were successful. Virgillia achieved liberation and subsequently became a part of the New Republic. Within the New Republic, it staunchly backed the Resistance in their conflict against the First Order, the successor state to the Empire. The Resistance navy included the Ninka, a Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster, which was under the leadership of Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo.

