Virgillia system

The Virgillia system resided within both the Outer Rim Territories and the [Western Reaches](/article/western_reaches] regions, its location pinpointed at grid square I-18 on the Standard Galactic Grid. It possessed a hyperspace route that provided connectivity to the worlds of Lipsec and Shuraden.

During the time of the Galactic Civil War, the government of the Virgillia system pledged its allegiance to the Galactic Empire. Conversely, the Virgillian Free Alignment became an early supporter of the Rebel Alliance, the Empire's opposition. These two Virgillian factions engaged in a fierce civil war, which ultimately resulted in the Free Alignment's victory.

Later, the star system joined the ranks of the New Republic, the Empire's successor, eventually evolving into a strong proponent of the Resistance. By the year 34 ABY, the Virgillia system lent its name to the Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster, a type of corvette produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation and equipped with Virgillian-designed heavy plasma bombs. The Resistance vessel Ninka was a member of this class.

Behind the scenes

The first contemporary Star Wars canon reference to the Virgillia system appeared on a galactic map featured in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, a boxed set for Star Wars Roleplaying by Fantasy Flight Games released in 2016. Virgillia was identified as a star system for the first time in 2017 with the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections, a book in the Incredible Cross-Sections reference series authored by Jason Fry.

The Virgillia system initially appeared in the Star Wars Legends continuity, with its debut mention in The Truce at Bakura Sourcebook, a 1996 sourcebook for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game by West End Games. Subsequently, the system was featured in The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic written by Pablo Hidalgo and published on throughout the 20092010 second season of the animated television show Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

