Voba Duey

Voba Duey was a criminal affiliated with the Meatlumps, a female Human from Corellia, during the era of the Galactic Civil War.


Voba Duey, waiting near Kor Vella

Following the Battle of Yavin, she held the rank of lieutenant within the Meatlumps, a group of fanatical terrorists and thugs who despised technology. She operated under the command of Louis Bender, a leader among the Meatlumps. In 1 ABY, Louis Bender devised a plan to assault a delivery depot located on the outskirts of Kor Vella. However, before they could execute the attack, the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk captured Louis Bender. As he was being taken by the Trandoshan, Louis instructed Voba Duey to "wait". Later, a spacer with connections to the Meatlumps arrived in Kor Vella to aid Louis and Voba in the depot attack, but only found Duey, who was still waiting. Duey informed the spacer of the situation, and the spacer made the decision to rescue the Meatlump leader. The spacer eventually struck a deal with Bossk, offering to eliminate the Bofa Treat Gang in exchange for Louis Bender's release.

Behind the scenes

Voba Duey appeared as a non-player character in Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game that was released in 2003. The game was developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011. Voba Duey was incorporated into the game as part of "Game Update 10," which was released on June 2, 2009.

