Vor Childermoss was a leader within the Torgaigne criminal organization, a Human who operated from the planet Attahox during the time of the Galactic Civil War. Known as a particularly stern, dauntless, and relentless supervisor, Childermoss managed the Torgaigne's commerce of phosovane salts, a substance utilized across numerous Outer Rim worlds as a foundation for painkillers. Subsequent to the [Battle of Yavin](/article/battle_of_yavin/legends], Childermoss, accompanied by his crew – including his silent, imposing bodyguard Leelu – chased after Rebel figurehead Han Solo into the adjacent Hellhoop. This pursuit began after Solo was discovered smuggling phosovane salts while on Attahox. Within the Hellhoop, Childermoss and his subordinates were taken prisoner by the Five, an isolated cult dedicated to dark worship, residing in that sector of space. Following Childermoss's error of menacing the cultists, Mavin, a member of the Five, annihilated Childermoss and the remainder of the Torgaigne using a dark fireclaw.
Vor Childermoss made an appearance in The Pandora Effect, a comic book story from 1981 authored by Alan Moore and featured in The Empire Strikes Back Monthly 151. Adolfo Buylla was the artist who illustrated Childermoss in the comic.