Vylip F'alma

Vylip F'alma, a male Northern Mustafarian, held the position of lore master within his clan. His story takes a turn when he finds himself incarcerated within the walls of Fortress Vader. He played a role in the escape of ZO-E3 and a smuggler from Vader's stronghold, sharing with them the legend of the Bright Star. Following their successful retrieval of the Bright Star, he committed an act of betrayal, delivering it to Vader in the hope of safeguarding his home world. Despite this, Vader, upon securing the artifact, cast all three into an abyss. Upon understanding the gravity of his error, Vylip sought redemption, proposing a united front against their oppressor. Regrettably, before the smuggler could respond to this proposition, F'alma met his demise, consumed by the Darkghast.

Behind the scenes

The character of Vylip F'alma was conceived for Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series, a virtual reality experience presented in three episodes by ILMxLAB. Keith Ferguson lent his voice to bring the character to life.

