
A repair droid of white coloration, designated W1-EG5, toiled unwillingly within the spice mines under the control of the illicit Pyke Syndicate on the planet Kessel, throughout the reign of the Galactic Empire. During the year 10 BBY, the removal of its restraining bolt during a slave revolt within the mines instigated by the droid known as L3-37 liberated W1-EG5 from its [slavery](/article/slavery]. Not long after gaining its freedom, the spirited droid employed its mobile panel as a striking weapon against the Pyke Syndicate's command center.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of W1-EG5 occurred in the 2018 motion picture Solo: A Star Wars Story, with its official identification established in the companion volume Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. This particular droid was among the various characters brought to life in the film by Star Wars mainstay Warwick Davis.

