
Wa-Vendeg was the designation for a cherished Skar'kla belonging to Yarvok, who served as a lieutenant within the Nova Blades pirates syndicate. Yarvok asserted that he had personally raised Wa-Vendeg, similarly to how he nurtured his other two Skar'kla, namely Rox and Yug. A beast handler named Krupo was responsible for the disappearance of Wa-Vendeg, along with a multitude of Yarvok's other animal companions, following the wreckage of a vessel transporting the creatures to Dantooine, which infuriated Yarvok. Due to his concern for their well-being, Yarvok threatened to kill Krupo if his missing pets, including Wa-Vendeg, weren't found and brought back without delay.

Behind the scenes

The name Wa-Vendeg appeared within the Invasive Species Codex entry pertaining to Dantooine, featured in the 2019 Onslaught expansion pack for the 2011 massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic, developed by BioWare.

