The War on Corellia refers to an internal conflict that erupted after the Nihil had infiltrated the world of Corellia. After Starlight Beacon was destroyed, the Nihil established a presence there, leading some Corellians to think that aligning with the Nihil was the only way to save their planet from suffering the same fate as Starlight Beacon. However, other Corellians, including figures like Alys "Crash" Ongwa and Svi'no Atchapat, resisted this idea. Furthermore, two Jedi—Jedi Master Conithr and her Padawan, Ruu—decided to stay on Corellia and protect its people from the Nihil, rather than returning to Coruscant when the Jedi Order summoned all Jedi back. In one event, Conithr was killed, causing Ruu to succumb to the dark side of the Force and abandon the Jedi path. A massacre of the Nihil at the Greens signaled the virtual end of significant Nihil activity on Corellia.