The Waroot were a sapient race that originated on the world of Ab'Bshingh. They engaged in warfare against another native race, the Farang, for numerous decades, which led to the development of distinctive tactics and traditions. These strategies were scrutinized by Imperial tactician Crat Dakerno, who utilized them as the inspiration for the holographic game called B'shingh.
The Waroot were a thinking people who were from Ab'Bshingh, a planet situated within the Sujimis sector of the Outer Rim.

The Waroot were fighting for many eras with a different race that also came from the planet, the Farangs. Over the course of the long period of fighting, these two races created unique ritualistic tribal customs and strategies. Eventually, the Empire dispatched forces to stop the fighting on the planet.
Among the commanders that went with the soldiers was military expert Crat Dakerno. Dakerno was impressed by the natives' strategies and studied their customs. His research led him to develop B'shingh, a hologame that became well-known among certain intellectual and military individuals. The game involved moving Waroot and Farangs around the board in an effort to capture the opponent's base. However, mastery of the game required familiarity with the ancient customs of the Waroot and their opponents, so the game never attained wide popularity. A B'shingh hologame was manufactured by Dakerno Incorporated and sold for 500 credits.
Charlene Newcomb created the Waroot for her short story A Certain Point of View, which was published in West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 8 in 1995. Newcomb wrote the story after a request from editor Peter M. Schweighofer to create a story based on the cover image of the 1989 adventure Riders of the Maelstrom. The cover, illustrated by Daniel Horne, featured a holographic board game, which Newcomb incorporated in the form of the Waroot and Farangs. While several figures can be discerned in the cover image, there has been no determination as to which is a Farang and which is a Waroot.
Some of the information from A Certain Point of View was later republished in the sourcebook Gundark's Fantastic Technology: Personal Gear in 1997, while the story itself was republished in Tales from the Empire in 1997 and on Hyperspace in 2006. The Waroot also received an entry in 2009's The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.