During the Imperial Period, a Quor'sav male named Waywa Fybot served the Galactic Empire. He worked undercover as a narcotics agent within the Oseon system. Originally from the Quor'sav homeworld of Uaua, Fybot initially trained to be a gourmet chef. However, he was forcefully drafted into Imperial service. Eventually, Fybot found himself working for Rokur Gepta, a Sorcerer of Tund, who was disguised as wealthy Oseon industrialist Bohhuah Mutdah. Mutdah promised Fybot freedom from the Empire if he helped entrap Lando Calrissian, an offworld smuggler and gambler. On Oseon 5792, Fybot delivered Calrissian to Gepta. However, instead of freedom, the Sorcerer rewarded Fybot with swift death.
Waywa Fybot, an avian male of the Quor'sav species, spent his early years on the planet of Uaua. He recalled a peaceful childhood in a small town. With aspirations of becoming a gourmet chef, Fybot was attending culinary school when the Galactic Empire forcibly conscripted him. He was taken from his home and trained in law enforcement, but continued to send money to his parents on Uaua for many years. Fybot's new role was as an undercover narcotics agent, operating in the Oseon system within the Centrality's borders, amidst some of the galaxy's richest inhabitants. While working for Mutdah, Fybot became involved in a plot to ensnare Lando Calrissian, a smuggler and gambler against whom Mutdah seemed to hold a personal vendetta. Mutdah offered Fybot freedom from his forced servitude to the Empire. Fybot eagerly accepted, as he longed to return home and continue his culinary studies.
Lob Doluff, the Administrator Senior of the Oseon system, had been blackmailed by Mutdah into luring Calrissian to Oseon for a high-stakes sabacc game. Calrissian was then arrested on a weapons charge that carried a death penalty. Doluff offered Calrissian a commuted sentence if he could catch Mutdah in a drug sting, knowing that sending Calrissian to Mutdah would likely result in his death. However, having grown fond of Calrissian, Doluff ordered Fybot and police officer Bassi Vobah to accompany him to Mutdah's estate on Oseon 5792, unaware of Fybot's true loyalty, hoping their presence would give Calrissian a chance to survive. Fybot and Vobah joined Calrissian and Calrissian's droid Vuffi Raa on a perilous journey to Oseon 5792. Although a short trip by interstellar standards, the mission coincided with Flamewind, an annual radiation storm that attracted tourists to Oseon.
During their journey, the Falcon was struck by a powerful radiation burst, causing Fybot to hallucinate that he was back home on Uaua. He imagined being attacked by Renatasian militants in a battle that resulted in both of his legs being broken. Calrissian used tinklewood from fishing rods in his cargo hold to splint Fybot's legs. The group continued to Oseon 5792, with Fybot learning sabacc from Vuffi Raa and recovering with the help of an on-board bone-knitter unit. However, the relentless pursuit by the Renatasians made Fybot uneasy, leading him to believe that Calrissian had become a liability. Taking matters into his own hands, Fybot attempted to murder Calrissian by sabotaging his environment suit while Calrissian was outside repairing the ship. Calrissian survived, and Fybot's injuries shielded him from suspicion.
By the time the Falcon arrived at Mutdah's residence, Fybot had recovered. He revealed his true allegiance when it was time to catch Mutdah in the sting, suddenly killing Vobah with a blaster. With Fybot having fulfilled his part of the deal and Calrissian delivered to Mutdah, Mutdah—who was secretly the Sorcerer of Tund Rokur Gepta, having murdered Mutdah and assumed his identity—upheld his end of the bargain. He had promised to free Fybot from Imperial service, which he accomplished by shooting the Quor'sav to death.
Standing at two and a half meters tall, Waywa Fybot possessed striking features: bright yellow feathers, an orange beak, and scaly, three-toed feet. While his appearance was imposing to many Humans, his high-pitched voice sounded surprisingly effeminate and did not match his physique. Fybot was proud of his species and cherished memories of his childhood on Uaua, away from the jokes about birds he often heard from other species. Although he had many comebacks for mammals who made fun of his appearance, he sometimes became enraged by those who mocked or insulted his species, but he was able to maintain composure when necessary.
Fybot was somewhat ambitious. Though his service to the Empire was involuntary and he disliked his job, he viewed his work as a path to promotion and higher pay, motivating him to work diligently. However, his true passion was cooking, an art in which his fellow Quor'sav believed he possessed considerable talent. In his later years, he desperately wanted to return home and resume his culinary pursuits. Fybot carried a nearly undetectable Service Special energy projector weapon, which he was relieved to find didn't require manual handling, as the Quor'sav lacked nimble fingers.
Waywa Fybot made an appearance in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, a book penned by L. Neil Smith and published in 1983. Smith's depiction of Fybot, a sizable avian character, was directly inspired by Big Bird from the children's television program Sesame Street.