Asteroid 5792, also designated as Oseon 5792, was a space rock with a diameter of fifteen kilometers, found within the Oseon system, which itself was situated in the Centrality sector of the Outer Rim Territories' expanse. This asteroid functioned as the exclusive personal residence of Bohhuah Mutdah, a billionaire industrialist. Its surface featured a collection of enclosed gardens under domes. At the heart of this asteroid was a chamber that accommodated Mutdah's extensive collection of library materials.
At some point in time spanning from 3 BBY to 2 BBY, Rokur Gepta, the Sorcerer of Tund, devised a scheme to get revenge on his adversary, Lando Calrissian, a freighter captain and gambler. Gepta orchestrated an invitation for Calrissian to a sabacc game on the asteroid Oseon 6845, which led to Calrissian's eventual detainment. Furthermore, Gepta manipulated events so that the Galactic Empire issued an arrest warrant for Mutdah and pressured the Administrator Senior of the Oseon system to coerce Calrissian into participating in a related covert operation on Oseon 5792.
Subsequently, Calrissian; his droid copilot, Vuffi Raa; and law enforcement officers Bassi Vobah and Waywa Fybot journeyed to Oseon 5792 aboard Calrissian's freighter, the Millennium Falcon. Upon arrival at the asteroid, Calrissian delivered a shipment of the illicit substance lesai to what he believed was Mutdah, but was actually Gepta in disguise. When Vobah attempted to arrest Gepta, Fybot—who was secretly in Mutdah's employ—killed his fellow [officer](/article/officer/legends]. In response, Gepta then eliminated Fybot.
The sorcerer then revealed his true identity to Calrissian and proceeded to torture him. Calrissian's rescue occurred when the Renatasian Confederation, a group targeting Vuffi Raa, followed the Millennium Falcon to Oseon 5792 and attacked the asteroid. Using the chaos as an opportunity, Calrissian escaped, returned to the Falcon, and left the asteroid. Gepta also fled Oseon 5792 before the Renatasian Confederation propelled a heavy cruiser hyperdrive engine at the asteroid, resulting in the destruction of the minor planet.

Situated within the Oseon system, a component of the Centrality sector in the Outer Rim Territories' Slice region, was the asteroid known as Oseon 5792, also identified as Asteroid 5792. Oseon 5792, along with the rest of the Oseon system, was connected to the Arleen system via the Falko Run hyperlane, while the Cadma Conduit hyperspace route linked it to the Erilnar system and the Cadma sector's Dagelin Minor and Simbarc systems.
Classified also as a planetoid, Oseon 5792 was a component of the Fifth Belt, one of the seven expansive bands of asteroids forming the Oseon system and in orbit around its sun. This asteroid was recorded in a directory listing the Oseon system's orbiting celestial bodies and was positioned near a cluster of asteroids that were similarly well-documented and easily recognizable.
Oseon 5792 exhibited a flattened disk shape, with a diameter of approximately fifteen kilometers but a thickness of less than three. The asteroid's minimal gravity was insufficient to sustain a breathable atmosphere, necessitating the use of artificial gravity for this purpose. At the asteroid's core, gravitic force was entirely absent.
Once during each local year, Oseon 5792, along with every other orbiting body within the Oseon system, experienced a phenomenon referred to as the Flamewind. This event, caused by flares from the Oseon sun stripping excited vapor from the nearest asteroids, manifested as vibrant, multi-colored bands of ionized gas spanning millions of kilometers in both length and width, constantly shifting across the entire visible light spectrum.
In conjunction with this visual spectacle were frequent static discharges between the system's asteroids and a continuous barrage of radiation and particles, including electrons. Consequently, navigational, sensor, and life-support equipment suffered damage, electronic communication between the asteroids and with the rest of the galaxy became impossible, and the perception and behavior of sentient beings lacking adequate shielding was affected.

By the year 3 BBY, Oseon 5792 had been occupied for several decades. The asteroid was the exclusive domain of Bohhuah Mutdah, a retired billionaire industrialist and the wealthiest individual in the Oseon system, and it stood as the most opulent of all asteroid residences within the system.
Sometime between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, the sorcerer Rokur Gepta hatched a plan to avenge himself upon Lando Calrissian, the gambler and freighter captain. To this end, Gepta arranged for Calrissian to be invited to a game of sabacc on the asteroid Oseon 6845. One night on Oseon 6845, the gambler was ambushed by a member of the Renatasian Confederation—a group dedicated to avenging themselves upon Calrissian's droid copilot, Vuffi Raa, whom they wrongly blamed for the subjugation of the Renatasia system by the Galactic Empire. Acting in self-defense, Calrissian killed the Renatasian and was subsequently arrested. Around that time, Gepta arrived at Oseon 6845 aboard his personal cruiser, the Wennis, in pursuit of Calrissian. Gepta arranged for Imperial authorities to order the arrest of Mutdah, and subsequently, the Imperial undercover narcotics agent Waywa Fybot was dispatched to the Oseon system to apprehend the billionaire.

Eventually, Lob Doluff, the Administrator Senior of the Oseon system, summoned Calrissian from his local prison cell to his office, where he explained that, instead of the traditional Oseoni capital punishment for carrying a [weapon](/article/weapon-legends], Calrissian would be compelled to participate in a sting operation. The gambler was to transport Fybot and Oseon Peacekeeper Captain Bassi Vobah in his starship, the Millennium Falcon, to Oseon 5792—a journey that would normally take just over two hours but was then extremely dangerous due to the Flamewind phenomenon that had begun in the Oseon system.
Upon reaching their destination, Calrissian was to impersonate a courier delivering Mutdah's scheduled supply of lesai—an illegal drug shipped annually to Mutdah under the cover of the Flamewind—allowing the two law enforcement officers to arrest the billionaire. Furthermore, Doluff, correctly suspecting Fybot of having been secretly ordered to kill Mutdah, explicitly ordered the agent to bring the industrialist back from Oseon 5792 to stand trial. The Administrator Senior also warned Vobah that she would be expected to leave the Oseon system directly from Oseon 5792 if she caused any unnecessary trouble for Calrissian.

The next day, the Millennium Falcon, carrying both Fybot and Vobah, departed Oseon 6845, with Calrissian and Vuffi Raa being forced to engage on a pre-programmed course to Oseon 5792 because the Flamewind was affecting their ship's instrumentation. Eventually, Gepta also boarded his personal starfighter and left Oseon 6845 for Oseon 5792, leaving the Wennis behind and instructing the vessel to meet him in the Tund system after the Flamewind had passed.
The squadron of starfighters comprising the Renatasian Confederation, which had followed the Falcon from Oseon 6845, eventually caught up with the freighter and attacked it, which forced Calrissian to disengage his ship's computer-controlled pre-programmed flight toward Oseon 5792 in order to perform evasive maneuvers. The Falcon then briefly concealed itself in a deep crevice on a small asteroid.
Calrissian and Vuffi Raa unsuccessfully tried to determine the asteroid's exact location in the Oseon system from the Falcon's radiation-damaged navigation computer. When the droid informed Calrissian of his similarly useless knowledge about the asteroid from the system's astronomical catalog, the captain, assuming that the catalog would have entries on asteroids in Oseon 5792's vicinity, decided that they would simply follow the pre-programmed course to Oseon 5792 as if they had not deviated from it due to the skirmish against the Renatasians and then attempt to correct for the error as they arrived closer to the target asteroid.
When Calrissian was later discussing with Vobah and Fybot his suspicions that one of them had attempted to kill him while he had been repairing the Falcon, the gambler attempted to order that the two law enforcement officers handcuff themselves together for the duration of the voyage to Oseon 5792. At that moment, Vuffi Raa interrupted the conversation by summoning the captain to the ship's bridge, for the Renatasian squadron had arrived in the vicinity of the Falcon's hiding place. Calrissian then enacted a plan that allowed the Falcon to evade the starfighters while leaving the refuge of the asteroid and continuing traveling toward Oseon 5792.

While the Falcon was still en route to Oseon 5792, Mutdah was observing a performance being carried out on a lawn in front of his mansion complex on the asteroid. More than three hundred individuals of various species, hired by Mutdah expressly for the performance, progressed through every exceedingly obscene permutation of activity possible for them, following the trillionaire's detailed instructions in doing so. Mutdah himself, due to his attitude of boredom toward life in general, was not impressed by either the performance or the colorful displays of the Flamewind visible through the dome that enclosed the garden that the mansion was situated in.
Around the same time, while waiting for Calrissian to arrive on Oseon 5792, Gepta had entered hiding in a place of stifling concealment that isolated him from his pet. Eventually, the sorcerer, who was adept at crafting illusions, murdered Mutdah and assumed his appearance.
Eventually, at the end of its pre-programmed course, the Millennium Falcon arrived in the relative vicinity of Oseon 5792. While the ship was still at a much greater distance from the asteroid than the range of the most popular starship detection systems, Calrissian made Fybot and Vobah hide themselves under the freighter's corridor decking as part of the preparations for their mission to arrest Mutdah. At a point where Vuffi Raa thought he could see Oseon 5792 in the form of a large blob against the starfield, the gambler also checked his vacuum suit and one of his stingbeam pistols as well as the package of lesai he was to deliver to Mutdah.
Nearly twenty hours after the point at which Calrissian had been expected by Mutdah to arrive at Oseon 5792, when the Falcon had drifted to a distance of approximately hundred kilometers from the trillionaire's asteroid, the vessel was hailed by a cruising picket ship. The ship ordered the Falcon to stop for an inspection, but after Calrissian provided a secret password given to him, the gambler's vessel was provided with instructions for landing on Oseon 5792—a task which Calrissian, being both a relatively inexperienced ship-handler and nervous about the upcoming mission, delegated to Vuffi Raa.

After the freighter made a gentle landing at Oseon 5792's spaceport—which, despite appearing from an altitude of several kilometers to be a bustling facility, was by that point devoid of the presence of any organic or mechanical beings—Calrissian, while finishing suiting up, told Vuffi Raa that, considering the fact that he could potentially not return from the mission, he had logged the droid's manumission into the Falcon's memory system and also made him his legal heir. In return, Calrissian's copilot plainly made it known to him that, despite his master's orders to stay at the ship and depart the asteroid if the gambler did not return within eight hours' time, he would instead attempt to find Calrissian first.
Calrissian then made Vobah, who was still concealed in the ship's corridor, turn over the sabacc winnings that had been confiscated from him after his arrest on Oseon 6845. After hiding the money aboard the Falcon, Calrissian stepped out onto the spaceport's landing pad, from which he was rapidly escorted by a pair of security guards to an elevator leading into the asteroid's interior. At the end of the ride, during which the gambler made an unsuccessful attempt at conversation with the guards, Calrissian was led into Mutdah's personal library, where he met Gepta—still disguised as Mutdah.
The security guards made Calrissian surrender his concealed pistols, after which the captain was allowed to exchange the shipment of lesai for the corresponding payment. At that moment, Vobah and Fybot, who had also left the Falcon and arrived at the center of Oseon 5792, used a directional charge to blow up the library's door, killing the two guards in the process. Vobah then proclaimed that "Mutdah" was being placed under arrest, at which point Gepta gave a signal to Fybot—who was secretly working for whom he believed was still the trillionaire—causing the narcotics agent to promptly shoot Vobah dead.
Fybot then gave a report to Gepta on the events leading up to the arrest attempt, also noting his belief from before he had made an unsuccessful murder attempt on Calrissian during the voyage from Oseon 6845 that he would be able to use by himself the Millennium Falcon in order to complete the trip to Oseon 5792. Gepta then, no longer seeing Fybot as a useful asset, used a tiny concealed pistol of his own to execute the agent. Inviting the gambler to light a pair of high-quality cigars for them both, Gepta then forced Calrissian to handcuff himself via pair of force shackles and finally revealed his true identity and form to his captive.

Subsequently, both Gepta and Calrissian moved from the library at Oseon 5792's center to the domed garden in which Mutdah had previously watched his performance. The performers were no longer present, and Calrissian, lacking any recollection of traveling from the library, had been cuffed to an upended table in the lawn. Gloating over his capture of Calrissian, Gepta subjected the gambler to the illusion technique known as torture by chagrin. The technique aimed to induce agony in the latter by forced him to re-experience distorted memories from his life involving shame, humiliation, and fear. Approximately half an hour into the torture session, Gepta also revealed to Calrissian how he had adversely affected the gambler's life while plotting against him since before the latter had arrived in the Oseon system.
At that point, the Renatasian Confederation squadron, which had also arrived at Oseon 5792, began attacking the dome Gepta and Calrissian were in, eventually breaching it. Gepta then struggled against the pull of the resultant wind caused by the escaping atmosphere, and Calrissian used the distraction to free one of his hands from the force shackles and then jam a tinklewood rod he had brought along in his vacuum suit into Gepta's eye. The injured sorcerer was subsequently swept away by an intense breeze.

As Calrissian fully liberated himself from his restraints, he encountered one of Vuffi Raa's autonomous tentacle-like limbs that had been disconnected from the droid's main body—located in the Millennium Falcon's cockpit—and sent to look for the captain. After the gambler briefly inspected the electronic equipment Gepta had used to assist with his illusion-casting, the pair, with Vuffi Raa's tentacle showing the way, quickly entered Mutdah's mansion, which was deserted at that point, and boarded an elevator that took them to the spaceport on Oseon 5792's other side. At the same time, the Renatasian Confederation continued their assault on the asteroid, causing it to shake and shudder as a result of the attacks.
At the spaceport, Calrissian and Vuffi Raa's appendage both squeezed through the halfway-stuck door of the building containing the elevator entrance. Only a fraction of a second later, the structure was destroyed as the Renatasian fighters carried out a bombing run on the spaceport. The captain and his droid boarded the Falcon and rapidly departed Oseon 5792, with Calrissian fighting off a pair of Renatasian craft by using the ship's quad laser cannons. Gepta, who ultimately lost his pet on the asteroid, also left aboard his personal fighter, heading to the rendezvous with the Wennis.

The remaining fighters from the Renatasian Confederation, still focused on eliminating Vuffi Raa and not knowing he had already left the asteroid, then used the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser hyperdrive engine that facilitated their faster-than-light travel to strike Oseon 5792. This caused an explosion, briefly brighter than the ongoing Flamewind, that annihilated the asteroid. However, both the Falcon and Klyn Shanga's fighter, the Renatasian squadron leader, escaped the explosion and resulting debris field. Subsequently, the Falcon rescued Shanga from his destroyed fighter before exiting the Oseon system.
Calrissian briefly recalled his Oseon 5792 experiences in his 22 ABY memoir, How to Succeed in Everything; this excerpt was later included in Jedi historian Tionne Solusar's 40 ABY compilation, Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force. The Historical Council of the New Republic also documented Calrissian's visit to the asteroid in a 25 ABY galactic history chronicle, and again in its 36 ABY updated edition under the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. By 27 ABY, the most opulent asteroid residence in the Oseon system was no longer Oseon 5792, but rather the estate of Ema Slake, the famous singer, on Oseon 5631.
Bohhuah Mutdah's private estate was located on Oseon 5792. An obese Human who weighed over three hundred kilograms, he wore a large Rafa life-crystal, a type of crystal that extended humanoid lifespans, and had lived for more than one hundred years when he died. Mutdah had also not experienced a genuine planetary gravitic field for twenty-five years, and due to his extreme wealth and obesity, he had not used his hands for any task in five years.
Mutdah's servants and staff also resided on the asteroid. To protect himself from potential assassins among his employees, Mutdah sometimes surrounded himself with a force field. Mutdah's staff included Ekisp, an elderly servant, and two guards, one holding the rank of sergeant. Both guards spoke Galactic Basic Standard and wore heavy body armor along with stylish uniforms. The asteroid's security forces possessed at least one new, heavily armed, starfighter-sized spacecraft with weaponry comparable to that of a light freighter.
One side of Oseon 5792 featured high domes of crystalline plastic and transparisteel, creating a mythological garden with rolling lawns, small lakes, and groves of trees. The pressurized domes were necessary to maintain a breathable atmosphere because the artificial gravity on that side of the asteroid was insufficient. Lando Calrissian thought the garden side of Oseon 5792 made the asteroid look like an island floating in space.
One heavily shielded domed garden, located at the edge of Oseon 5792's garden side and large enough to fill the horizon from within, contained a large surface mansion complex resembling an old-fashioned palace. A wide, lush lawn stretched in front of the building, featuring a picnic table made of synthetic marble. A grove of thorn trees stood near the lawn, and Bohhuah Mutdah once relaxed in a gel-filled recliner facing the expanse of grass.
Like most Human-inhabited asteroids in the Oseon system, Oseon 5792's interior was gradually filled with storerooms, living quarters, utility areas, and other spaces. At the asteroid's center was a spherical cavern half a kilometer in diameter. This massive chamber served as Mutdah's personal library, its walls lined with items the trillionaire had collected: all known forms of written or recorded information, including printed and handwritten works, analog and digital storage devices, tablets, stones, bones, hides, and knotted ropes.
Hundreds of fluorescent monofilament threads formed a mesh that floated through the zero-gravity chamber, providing a means of traversing the room. A small table floated in the library's center, used by Mutdah's servant Ekisp to hold the book he read to his master. The table's drawer also contained a box of high-quality cigars.
The side of Oseon 5792 opposite the domed gardens served as a small spaceport. Lando Calrissian found the facility impressive, consisting of a starship landing field spanning the entire side of the asteroid and ringed with heavy weaponry. The spaceport was crowded with a diverse fleet of spacecraft, including many small inter-asteroid vessels, resembling a hobbyist's collection.
When the Millennium Falcon visited Oseon 5792, it was directed to a small berth marked by a pulsing beacon. A ferrocrete apron connected the parking spot to a corrugated plastic service building. Inside, an industrial elevator with a pneumatic door led into the asteroid, reaching the entrance to Mutdah's library at Oseon 5792's center before continuing to the mansion complex on the opposite side from the Falcon's landing berth.

Oseon 5792 first appeared in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, the second novel in The Lando Calrissian Adventures trilogy by L. Neil Smith, published in 1983. The 2005 reference book The New Essential Chronology introduced "Asteroid 5792" as an alternate name.
The 1990 roleplaying game source article "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," published in Voyages SF magazine's thirteenth issue, placed the Oseon system, and therefore Oseon 5792, in the Zebitrope sector. Because this article was released independently of Lucas Licensing, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never established. The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book, later superseded the Voyages SF 13 placement by locating the Oseon system in grid square T-8 within the Centrality.