Oseon 6845, also known as Oseon, was the largest asteroid in the Oseon system, situated within the Centrality region of the Outer Rim Territories'. This planetoid, composed of iron and rock and measuring 700 kilometers across, lacked an atmosphere and possessed extremely minimal gravity. However, the inhabitants of Oseon 6845 artificially enhanced the gravitational pull and accelerated its rotational speed. Consequently, the landing of starships on the asteroid posed a considerable challenge, leading to the construction of a spaceport at its northern pole.
The asteroid's interior was riddled with opulent hotels, vibrant night entertainment venues, and impressive residences. It drew wealthy individuals from across the galaxy who partook in shopping and gambling activities within Oseon 6845's subterranean establishments and along the Esplanade, a pedestrian boulevard that spanned the equator. During a period of three weeks each year, the Flamewind phenomenon within the Oseon system rendered interasteroidal space travel virtually impossible. As a result, those present on Oseon 6845 at that time found themselves effectively marooned and indulged in numerous social gatherings.
Sometime between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, the sorcerer Rokur Gepta orchestrated for Senior Administrator Lob Doluff of the Oseon system to extend an invitation to Lando Calrissian, a freighter captain and gambler against whom Gepta harbored a grudge, to engage in the card game sabacc on Oseon 6845. One evening, Calrissian was attacked at his freighter by a member of the Renatasian Confederation, who was targeting the gambler's copilot droid, Vuffi Raa. After Calrissian killed his assailant in self-defense, he was arrested on the charge of possessing a lethal weapon. As an alternative to capital punishment, Doluff compelled the gambler to transport two law enforcement officers to the asteroid Oseon 5792, where Gepta intended to ensnare Calrissian.
Oseon 6845, alternatively referred to as simply Oseon, stood as the largest orbital body within the Oseon system, nestled within the Centrality sector, which itself formed part of the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories. Along with the entire Oseon system, Oseon 6845 was connected to the Arleen system via the Falko Run hyperlane, while the hyperspace route known as the Cadma Conduit provided a link to the Erilnar system and the Cadma sector's Dagelin Minor and Simbarc systems. A particular constellation was visible from Oseon 6845, which the local population had named the Silly Rabbit.

Classified as a planetoid and an asteroid composed of iron-rich rock, Oseon 6845 boasted a mass of one billion tons and a diameter of 700 kilometers. Its location was within the Sixth Belt, one of the seven extensive bands of subplanetary bodies encircling the star system's sun. The natural gravity was almost nonexistent, but augmented near the surface by the inhabitants and entirely negated in the core's vicinity. The rotation period of Oseon 6845 was artificially reduced to twenty-five hours, providing a familiar sense of day and night for the inhabitants.
However, the resulting speed of eighty-eight kilometers an hour at which the asteroid's barren, rocky surface moved, in combination with the worldlet's small size, complicated the landing of starships. Oseon 6845 was naturally devoid of air, but artificial atmosphere was maintained in inhabited areas, with the temperature significantly lower closer to the core than at the surface.
Once each local year, Oseon 6845, alongside every other orbiting body in the Oseon system, experienced the Flamewind phenomenon. This event, caused by flares from the Oseon sun stripping vapor from the closest asteroids, manifested as vibrant, multi-colored bands of ionized gas millions of kilometers in length and width, continuously shifting across the visible light spectrum.
Accompanying this visual spectacle were frequent static discharges between the system's asteroids and a constant stream of radiation and particles, such as electrons. Consequently, navigational, sensor, and life-support equipment suffered damage; electronic communications both between the asteroids and with the rest of the galaxy became impossible; and the perception and behavior of sentient beings without adequate shielding were affected.

Between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, the sorcerer Rokur Gepta sought revenge against Lando Calrissian, the gambler and freighter captain, because of Calrissian's role in preventing Gepta from acquiring the Mindharp of Sharu artifact in the Rafa system of the Centrality. To achieve this, Gepta secretly ensured that Calrissian's freight operations yielded consistently lower profits, causing the trader to experience a steady decline in money from his business endeavors.
Ultimately, Gepta arranged for Lob Doluff, the Administrator Senior of the Oseon system, to send Calrissian a message on the planet Dilonexa XXIII, inviting the gambler to play the card game sabacc on Oseon 6845. Faced with dwindling financial resources and Calrissian's general aversion to interstellar trading, the captain and his copilot, the droid Vuffi Raa, departed the Dilonexa system for the Oseon system.
However, while Calrissian's starship, the Millennium Falcon, was being refueled on Dilonexa XXIII, one of Gepta's agents planted two bombs on the vessel. The first explosive detonated when the starship's hyperdrive was activated several days before its arrival in the Oseon. The second bomb exploded as the Millennium Falcon reverted from hyperspace to realspace near Oseon 6845, but the vessel sustained relatively minor damage because the explosive was designed to destroy a ship entering a planet's atmosphere and gravity, rather than an airless asteroid. Subsequently, Vuffi Raa supervised the Millennium Falcon's landing on Oseon 6845, marking the inexperienced Calrissian's first starship landing with the droid's piloting guidance.

On his first evening in the Oseon system, Calrissian played sabacc at the prestigious Hotel Drofo. After inspecting the damage to the Millennium Falcon caused by the second explosion, Vuffi Raa visited the gambler during his game to show him the remains of the ship's neutrino hybridizer and to confirm their earlier suspicion that a bomb had caused the explosion. After receiving this information, Calrissian retired to his hotel room for the night.
On Calrissian's fourth night on Oseon 6845, his sabacc game with Lob Doluff and his associates, which rotated to a different venue each evening, was held at the Administrator Senior's estate. During the game, Doluff received a message containing a false alarm, claiming that the Millennium Falcon, docked at Oseon 6845's north polar spaceport, was on fire. Believing the alarm to be genuine, Calrissian traveled to the spaceport, only to discover that his ship was not on fire.

As the gambler prepared to return to his game, he was ambushed in one of the spaceport's service corridors by Colonel Kenow, a member of the Renatasian Confederation—a group dedicated to avenging the subjugation of the Renatasia system by the Galactic Empire, for which they wrongly blamed Vuffi Raa. Kenow's mission was to intercept Raa on Oseon 6845. Acting in self-defense, Calrissian killed Kenow using his stingbeam pistol.
After Calrissian reported the incident to Doluff, Oseon Peacekeeper Captain Bassi Vobah—who had played sabacc with Calrissian at Doluff's estate that same night—arrived at the spaceport. The officer examined Kenow's body and placed the gambler under arrest. Subsequently, the police fitted Vuffi Raa with a restraining bolt aboard the Millennium Falcon.

A few hours after Calrissian's arrest, while the gambler remained incarcerated in a local prison cell and Captain Vobah was completing a report on the spaceport killing, the Flamewind phenomenon began in the Oseon system. By that time, Rokur Gepta had arrived at Oseon 6845 aboard his personal cruiser, the Wennis, in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon. Gepta arranged for Imperial authorities to order the arrest of Bohhuah Mutdah, a retired trillionaire industrialist and the wealthiest individual in the Oseon system, while making it appear as if Mutdah's business rivals were orchestrating his downfall through the arrest.
To this end, the Imperial undercover narcotics agent Waywa Fybot was dispatched to the Oseon system to carry out the arrest. As an added measure, Doluff was pressured to ensure the arrest proceeded smoothly. Gepta himself spent the time following Calrissian's arrest meditating in an artificial cavern near the asteroid's core, while the Wennis remained stationed some distance away, its crew conducting drill exercises. Also present in the shadow of Oseon 6845, several thousand kilometers from the asteroid, was the squadron of starfighters belonging to the Renatasian Confederation.

Doluff eventually summoned Calrissian to his office, where Fybot and Vobah were also present. The Administrator Senior informed the gambler that he was charged with carrying a lethal weapon, a capital offense in the Oseon system. However, instead of the traditional Oseoni sentence of death by exposure to the vacuum of space, Calrissian would be forced to participate in a sting operation.
The gambler was tasked with transporting Fybot and Vobah to Oseon 5792, Mutdah's private asteroid located in the Fifth Belt of the system—a journey made extremely dangerous by the Flamewind's interference with both living beings and starship equipment. Upon arrival, Calrissian would pose as a courier delivering Mutdah's scheduled supply of the illegal drug lesai, enabling the two law enforcement officers to arrest the trillionaire. Furthermore, Doluff, correctly suspecting Fybot of secretly intending to kill Mutdah, explicitly ordered the agent to bring the industrialist back to Oseon 6845 to face trial.

The following day, as part of the preparations for the departure to Oseon 5792, Calrissian and Vuffi Raa equipped the Millennium Falcon's passenger lounge with a seating rack designed to accommodate Fybot's Quor'sav physiology. Simultaneously, the first officer of the Wennis secretly met Fybot near a power transformer deep within Oseon 6845. The officer reminded Fybot of his secret orders, given Doluff's interference with the intentions of their superiors, and then departed for a meeting with Gepta in the asteroid's core.
Shortly thereafter, with both Fybot and Vobah in the Millennium Falcon's lounge and Doluff observing the ship's departure via datalink in his office, Calrissian's freighter departed Oseon 6845. Alerted by a missile sent as a signal by the first officer of the Wennis, who was collaborating with the Renatasian Confederation, the squadron also departed the asteroid in pursuit of Calrissian's vessel. Eventually, Gepta also left Oseon 6845 aboard his personal starfighter, leaving his cruiser behind and instructing it to rendezvous with him in the Tund system after the Flamewind had subsided. Gepta traveled to Oseon 5792, where he had Mutdah murdered and then assumed his appearance to ensnare Calrissian.
Around 0 ABY, Commander Maximillian Seerdon of the Imperial Security Bureau prepared a report on elements of the galactic underworld that threatened the Empire's stability. The report included an entry on Calrissian, listing his exploits and adventures, including his arrest on Oseon 6845.
The Oseon system was inhabited by individuals of considerable wealth. Consequently, most establishments on Oseon 6845 catered to affluent locals and attracted tourists from at least a million other systems. It was often said that some pedestrians on the Esplanade were among the wealthiest in the known universe.
Patrons of Oseon 6845's locales included Galactic Basic Standard–speaking Humans and members of various other humanoid and nonhuman species. Droids were also common, employed in public areas and on private property.

Entertainment venues on Oseon 6845, such as Hotel Drofo, were frequented by nobility, active and retired businesspeople, merchants, freight haulers, military officers, media stars, and criminals, including pirates and smugglers. High-stakes gambling was a popular pastime. For about three weeks each year, interasteroidal travel was prohibited during the Flamewind. During this period, Oseon locals and tourists enjoyed public and private parties.
The Oseon Administration, the Oseon system's government, was based on Oseon 6845. Headed by the Administrator Senior, it employed the Oseon Peacekeepers as a local police force, enforcing laws such as the one forbidding carrying a lethal weapon, punishable by death via exposure to space.
Oseon 6845 was artificially honeycombed. One such cavity was an artificial cavern deep below the surface. Rokur Gepta spent time in this zero-gravity cavern.

Somewhat near the surface of Oseon 6845, yet still situated far below ground, essential elements for sustaining life, such as air and water, were transported from nuclear fission powered facilities to the various inhabited sectors of the asteroid through pipes that were approximately the size of a human. A power transformer, comparable in size to a starship and generating a resonant hum, was also located in this area. Despite the machinery operating at full capacity, the air surrounding it was noticeably cold. Droids were the primary visitors to this area, performing their regular maintenance duties. However, just before departing from the asteroid, Wayva Fybot secretly rendezvoused with the Wennis's first officer in this location.
The interior of Oseon 6845 was replete with opulent hotels, vibrant nightlife establishments, and palatial residences. Among these was the prestigious Hotel Drofo, owned by the Toydarian Drofo the Third. To safeguard against potential thieves, Drofo maintained an Akorec strike cruiser for protection. Given the limited surface area of Oseon 6845, which was entirely occupied by nightclubs and resorts, constructing on the surface was significantly more expensive than building within the asteroid's interior. Consequently, while the entrance to Hotel Drofo was situated on the surface, the hotel itself extended across multiple subterranean levels, with the Grand Lobby located on the lowest floor. Adjacent to the lobby were small, lavish gambling rooms. During his visit to Oseon 6845, Lando Calrissian was accommodated in a room at Hotel Drofo that included a bed with an automatic turn-down feature.
The Esplanade was directly accessible from Hotel Drofo's surface entrance. This kilometers-long, enclosed pedestrian walkway encircled Oseon 6845's equator and was commissioned by Lob Doluff, the Administrator Senior of the Oseon system. It was adorned with trees, sculptures, and upscale boutiques catering to the asteroid's affluent residents and visitors. Among the Esplanade's intentionally surprising landscape features was an ornamental pond populated by a species of fish and a small, multi-jointed creature.

The Esplanade formed the heart of a small city situated on Oseon 6845's equator. Within a few kilometers of the city was a prison suite decorated with bright plastic colors. It featured a barred and shielded skylight, a private bathroom containing a large mirror, and a ceiling-mounted speaker that played uninspired music. Lando Calrissian was confined to this cell during his time on the asteroid. The gambler was provided with a set of pajamas during his stay, bearing a number printed in six different languages. Calrissian later remarked to Doluff, Oseon 6845's Administrator Senior, that he had been served the finest food he had ever tasted while incarcerated.
Doluff's personal estate was also located on Oseon 6845's equator. It was situated slightly further from the small equatorial city than the prison suite where Calrissian was detained. Functioning as both a garden and a greenhouse, the estate was a sizable dome on the asteroid's surface. It was filled with a dense jungle of tropical plants, and the air was humid. A tiled walkway ran through the center of the dome, featuring a sabacc table and a nearby fountain. In a semitropical portion of the estate, a tree stump concealed a hidden compartment containing a communicator. Doluff collected flowering plants, and a dedicated section of his estate, encompassing half a hectare of snow and ice, showcased miniature snow-flowers from a hundred different star systems.

Lob Doluff's office, the Administrator Senior, mirrored his estate on a smaller scale. The room featured a pair of alcoves and a window extending from floor to ceiling. The office was filled with greenery, with numerous hanging, potted, aquatic, and airborne plants scattered throughout, including a species of fern and a winged plant. Doluff employed two secretaries in the office's anteroom. The office itself lacked a desk but contained several chairs. A datalink was concealed within one alcove, while the other housed a terrarium. The terrarium contained a collection of unusual spongy growths and a lizard indigenous to the planet Zebitrope IV, from which Doluff extracted the lesai drug for his personal consumption.
A small spaceport was established on Oseon 6845's north pole, as landing starships there was relatively easier. Carved out of the rock of a vast natural crater spanning several kilometers, the port consisted of a landing field positioned above a complex network of service corridors and passageways. Various pleasure yachts, corporate starships, and even a battle cruiser were stationed at the spaceport. During Lando Calrissian's visit to the asteroid, his freighter, the Millennium Falcon, was docked above service corridor 17-W, with signs displaying both the vessel's and its owner's names in six languages. A pneumatic tubeway running in a straight line beneath Oseon 6845's surface connected the spaceport to Doluff's estate. Access points for tube cars and various starships were distributed throughout the asteroid.

Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, the 1983 second installment in The Lando Calrissian Adventures novel trilogy by L. Neil Smith, introduced Oseon 6845. The original cover of the novel featured an illustration by William Schmidt depicting several buildings on Oseon 6845. The asteroid's abbreviated name was introduced in "Underworld: A Galaxy of Scum and Villainy," an article penned by Ryan Kaufman and Abel G. Peña and published in Star Wars Insider 89 on July 28, 2006.
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a 1990 roleplaying game source article published in Voyages SF 13, located the Oseon system, and consequently Oseon 6845, within the Zebitrope sector. Because this article was released outside the purview of Lucas Licensing, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never officially established. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas subsequently superseded the Voyages SF 13 placement by confirming that the Oseon system was situated in grid square T-8 within the Centrality.