The Sixth Belt formed one of seven extensive asteroid aggregations within the Oseon system, situated in the Centrality sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. These bands of space rock circled the local star. This belt was home to Oseon 6845, the largest orbital object in the star system. This asteroid hosted the Oseon Administration, along with numerous opulent hotels, various night-time entertainment spots, and private homes. Each year, the Flamewind phenomenon impacted the entire Oseon system, including the Sixth Belt, affecting both living creatures and improperly shielded technology.
Sometime between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, the sorcerer known as Rokur Gepta manipulated events to draw Lando Calrissian, a freighter captain, into the Oseon system. Gepta sought revenge on Calrissian. Calrissian participated in a game of sabacc on Oseon 6845. He was then compelled to kill a member of the Renatasian Confederation, who had arrived in the system to target Calrissian's droid copilot, Vuffi Raa.
Following these events, Calrissian was apprehended. However, Lob Doluff, the Administrator Senior of the Oseon system, opted to commute the traditional capital punishment for carrying a weapon. Instead, Calrissian was tasked with transporting two law enforcement officers, Waywa Fybot and Bassi Vobah, to the asteroid Oseon 5792. They were to participate in a drug-related arrest. During this journey through the Sixth Belt, which was affected by the Flamewind, Calrissian's starship was attacked by a squadron of starfighters from the Renatasian Confederation. Calrissian successfully evaded his pursuers, and his ship subsequently departed the Sixth Belt.

The Sixth Belt constituted one of seven expansive asteroid bands that orbited the local sun. Together, they comprised the Oseon system, a component of the Centrality sector within the Outer Rim Territories' region known as the Slice. The Falko Run hyperlane connected the belt and the rest of the Oseon system to the Arleen system. In addition, the Cadma Conduit hyperspace route linked it to the Erilnar system and the Dagelin Minor system of the Cadma sector.
Within the Sixth Belt was Oseon 6845, the Oseon system's largest orbiting body. It was an iron-rich rock asteroid, classified as a planetoid, with a mass of one billion tons and a diameter of 700 kilometers. The inhabitants artificially shortened Oseon 6845's rotation period to 25 hours, providing a more familiar sense of day and night.
Once per local year, the Flamewind phenomenon affected all orbiting bodies within the Oseon system, including those in the Sixth Belt. The sun's flares caused this, tearing vapor from nearby asteroids. It manifested as fluorescent, multi-colored bands of ionized gas, spanning millions of kilometers in length and width, continuously shifting across the visible light spectrum.
This visual display was accompanied by frequent static discharges between the system's asteroids and a constant barrage of radiation and particles, such as electrons. This damaged the navigational, sensor, and life-support equipment of inadequately shielded starships. It also disrupted electronic communications between the asteroids and with the rest of the galaxy, and affected the perception and behavior of unprotected sentient beings.

Between 3 BBY and 2 BBY, the sorcerer Rokur Gepta plotted revenge against Lando Calrissian, a freighter captain and gambler. Gepta arranged for Lob Doluff, the Oseon system's Administrator Senior, to invite Calrissian to play sabacc on Oseon 6845, an asteroid in the Sixth Belt. Doluff sent the message to Calrissian on the planet Dilonexa XXIII. The captain, along with his droid Vuffi Raa, who served as his copilot, accepted the potentially lucrative offer and left the Dilonexa system for the Oseon system.
While Calrissian's starship, the Millennium Falcon, was being refueled on Dilonexa XXIII, one of Gepta's agents planted two bombs on the vessel. The first exploded when the starship engaged its hyperdrive several days before reaching the Oseon system. The second detonated as the Falcon reverted from hyperspace near Oseon 6845. However, the ship was relatively undamaged because the explosive was designed to destroy a ship entering a planet's atmosphere and gravity, not an airless asteroid. Vuffi Raa then oversaw the Falcon's landing on Oseon 6845. This was Calrissian's first starship landing, and he was under the droid's piloting instruction.

On his fourth night in the Sixth Belt, Calrissian was playing sabacc with Lob Doluff and his associates at the Administrator Senior's estate on Oseon 6845. He was lured to the asteroid's north polar spaceport by a false alarm regarding the Millennium Falcon. There, he was ambushed by Colonel Kenow, a member of the Renatasian Confederation. This group sought revenge on Vuffi Raa, whom they wrongly blamed for the subjugation of the Renatasia system by the Galactic Empire. Calrissian acted in self-defense and killed Kenow with his stingbeam pistol. After informing Doluff, the gambler was arrested.
A few hours after Calrissian's arrest, while he was incarcerated in a local [prison](/article/prison-legends] cell, the Flamewind phenomenon began in the Oseon system. By that time, Rokur Gepta had arrived at Oseon 6845 on his personal cruiser, the Wennis, pursuing the Millennium Falcon. Gepta arranged for Imperial authorities to arrest Bohhuah Mutdah, a retired trillionaire industrialist and the Oseon system's wealthiest individual. He made it appear as if Mutdah's business rivals were behind the arrest, plotting his downfall.
To this end, Waywa Fybot, an Imperial undercover agent specializing in narcotics, was sent to the Oseon system to make the arrest. Doluff was pressured to ensure the arrest went through. Gepta spent the time after Calrissian's arrest meditating on Oseon 6845, while the Wennis was stationed some distance away, its crew performing drills. The squadron of starfighters from the Renatasian Confederation was also stationed in the asteroid's shadow, several thousand kilometers away.

Doluff eventually summoned Calrissian to his office. He informed the gambler that he was charged with carrying a lethal weapon, a capital offense in the Oseon system. However, instead of the traditional Oseoni sentence of death by exposure to the vacuum of space, Calrissian would be forced to participate in a sting operation. He was tasked with transporting Fybot and Bassi Vobah, an Oseon Peacekeeper Captain, to Oseon 5792, Mutdah's private asteroid in the system's Fifth Belt. The ongoing Flamewind made this trip extremely dangerous. Calrissian would pose as a courier delivering Mutdah's scheduled supply of the illegal drug lesai, allowing the two law enforcement officers to arrest the trillionaire.
Soon after, Calrissian's freighter departed Oseon 6845. The squadron also left the asteroid, pursuing Calrissian's vessel, alerted by a missile signal from the Wennis's first officer, who was colluding with the Renatasian Confederation. Gepta then left Oseon 6845 aboard his personal starfighter, leaving his cruiser behind and instructing it to rendezvous with him in the Tund system after the Flamewind. Gepta traveled to Oseon 5792, where he had Mutdah murdered and assumed his appearance to trap Calrissian.
The Flamewind disabled the Millennium Falcon's navigational equipment, forcing Calrissian and Vuffi Raa to rely on a pre-programmed course to Oseon 5792. This journey would normally take just over two hours. However, due to the Flamewind's effects, the Falcon's instruments indicated that the vessel was traveling along a figure-eight trajectory while spinning, then in a spiral and right triangles, and finally along a path corresponding to a line on the inside of a Klein bottle. The Flamewind's changing colors and radiation fluxes further disoriented the Falcon's crew and passengers.

When the Flamewind shifted to a red hue, the Renatasian Confederation caught up with the Falcon and attacked it. The Renatasians detached their two dozen starfighters from the hyperdrive engine of a Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser they were using for faster-than-light travel and opened fire on the Falcon. This forced Calrissian to disengage the computer-controlled pre-programmed flight toward Oseon 5792 to perform evasive maneuvers.
Calrissian destroyed two of the attacking craft, but another fighter rammed the Falcon's bottom hull. Realizing he could not win, Calrissian oriented the vessel parallel to the Oseon system's ecliptic and fully engaged the ship's sublight drives, outracing the squadron.
As the Falcon left the Sixth Belt and entered the gap between it and the Fifth Belt, the Flamewind's visual displays momentarily decreased. Calrissian, a relatively inexperienced pilot and navigator, was initially unsure if the ship was traveling inward or outward from the Sixth Belt. The Falcon briefly hid in a small cluster of asteroids following its own course through the gap before continuing toward Oseon 5792. There, Gepta later used the illusion-casting technique known as torture by chagrin on Calrissian, forcing him to briefly relive a distorted memory of the skirmish against the Renatasian fighters in the Sixth Belt.
The Oseon Administration, the government of the Oseon system, was based on Oseon 6845, an asteroid in the Sixth Belt. The Administrator Senior headed it, and the Oseon Peacekeepers served as the local police force. The Administration enforced the laws of the star system, including the one forbidding carrying a lethal weapon, which carried a death sentence by exposure to space.
The entire Oseon system was inhabited by wealthy individuals. Most establishments on Oseon 6845 catered to affluent locals and attracted tourists from at least a million other systems in the wider galaxy. Some pedestrians along the asteroid's Esplanade were said to be the wealthiest individuals in the known universe.
Patrons of Oseon 6845's locales included Humans speaking Galactic Basic Standard, as well as members of various other humanoid and nonhuman species. Certain labels in public locations on Oseon 6845 were written in six languages.
The surface of Oseon 6845, an asteroid in the Sixth Belt, was entirely covered by nightclubs and resorts. Its interior was filled with luxurious hotels, night entertainment venues, and palace-like residences. The Esplanade, a kilometers-long, domed pedestrian thoroughfare at the center of a small city, stretched around Oseon 6845's equator.

The Sixth Belt first appeared in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, the second novel in The Lando Calrissian Adventures trilogy by L. Neil Smith, published in 1983. The original cover, illustrated by William Schmidt, depicted buildings on Oseon 6845, an asteroid in the Sixth Belt.
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a roleplaying game source article published in Voyages SF 13 in 1990, placed the Oseon system, and therefore the Sixth Belt, in the Zebitrope sector. Because this article was released outside of the Lucas Licensing process, its canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity was never confirmed. The Essential Atlas, a reference book published in 2009, later overrode the Voyages SF 13 placement, establishing that the Oseon system was in grid square T-8 as part of the Centrality.