Wendell Wright-Sims

Wendell Wright-Sims, a Human of notable standing, was a prominent Coruscanti figure in high society and the leading spice distributor in Imperial Center during the era of the Galactic Civil War. Despite the seemingly illicit nature of his business on the Imperial capital, Wright-Sims conducted his operations with the express consent of the Emperor himself. The Emperor leveraged Wright-Sims' discerning taste for high-quality spice to ensure that his most privileged citizens consumed only the finest product available across the galaxy. Consequently, Wright-Sims maintained a position of subservience to the Emperor's favor, while also making payments to Dark Prince Xizor of the Black Sun crime syndicate. Xizor, in turn, prevented his own spice suppliers from encroaching on Wright-Sims' territory as a professional courtesy. To sustain Black Sun's goodwill, Wright-Sims regularly gifted Xizor with several kilograms of the highest-grade spice.

Wright-Sims, however, did not partake in his own merchandise; instead, he reveled in the opulent lifestyle afforded by Coruscant's upper crust. He frequently graced elegant social gatherings alongside his spice-dependent, high-society Coruscanti clientele, ensuring he remained attuned to his market's demands. In keeping with his persona as a Coruscanti socialite, Wright-Sims meticulously cultivated a fashionable and current image, both in terms of attire and diction, diligently studying the latest daily trends and adopting a refined, sophisticated manner of speaking. A true virtuoso of superficial flattery, Wright-Sims considered charming his addicted peers an integral part of his profession, enabling him to sell sufficient spice to maintain an exceedingly comfortable existence.


Coruscant's premier spice dealer

Wendell Wright-Sims, a Human, held the position of leading importer and supplier of the narcotic substance known as spice on the Imperial center planet of Coruscant during the peak of the Galactic Civil War. While spice might have been deemed a substance requiring strict regulation, if not outright prohibition, on the Imperial capital, Wright-Sims' spice-dealing enterprise flourished due to the explicit authorization of Emperor Palpatine himself. The Emperor desired that the Coruscanti elite indulge solely in the highest-quality spice available and, as such, permitted Wright-Sims—a man with impeccable taste in spice and the smugglers responsible for its delivery to Coruscant—to pursue his import business. Wright-Sims, therefore, ensured that only the most refined spice made its way into Coruscant, preventing any inferior product from reaching those considered the wealthiest and most fortunate members of galactic society.

To bolster his enterprise, Wright-Sims, a wealthy Coruscanti socialite in his own right, routinely attended social events with his Imperial Center clientele to cater to his market's requirements. Whether engaging in conversation at a costume ball, dining at the exclusive Manarai restaurant within Imperial City, or mingling with the regulars in the public corridors of the Imperial Palace, Wright-Sims excelled in the art of superficial social interaction with those he served. This allowed him to sell enough spice to maintain an exceedingly comfortable lifestyle, while also enjoying the trappings afforded by Coruscant's high society.

Despite the success of his spice trade, Wright-Sims remained mindful of showing deference to his more influential peers in Coruscant society, especially those who tolerated the continuation of his business. He acknowledged the Emperor's generosity, for instance, and readily assisted the Empire's representatives. He also recognized Dark Prince Xizor, the leader of the Black Sun crime syndicate, who, as a professional courtesy, deliberately kept his own spice dealers from interfering in Wright-Sims' affairs. To express his gratitude and maintain the Dark Prince's favor, Wright-Sims frequently delivered several kilograms of the finest spice to Xizor—a cost-effective form of insurance for Wright-Sims, even though the spice likely held a street value of several million credits. Xizor, while not a spice user himself, appreciated the gesture, fully aware that Wright-Sims was simply cultivating favor among his clients and competitors.

Reigniting an old flame

Wendell Wright-Sims and Mayli Weng network at The Kallea Cycle gala.

In the middle of 3 ABY, Imperial Advisor Kren Blista-Vanee, another notable figure in Coruscant's high society, extended a formal invitation to Wright-Sims to attend a gala at a Coruscant reception hall commemorating the season's inaugural performance of The Kallea Cycle, a Brentaal opera. Wright-Sims arrived at the party, filled with Coruscant's elite, after the first marathon segment of The Kallea Cycle, which he found exceedingly tedious. Despite having to endure the performance, he was prepared to be his usual charming self at the engagement, as it was part of his role as Imperial Center's foremost spice dealer.

With meticulously styled hair and donning the designer evening coattails of that week, Wright-Sims skillfully navigated the party, moving from one superficial discussion to another. He marveled at the training the opera's performers must have undergone to sing for five consecutive hours, criticized the detestable Rebels for killing innocents until they once again occupied the old Senate Building, and gossiped about a supposed scandal involving the late Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin and a female aide years prior. Throughout, he reinforced his commitment to those addicted to his premium spice. During his socializing, Wright-Sims subtly promised spice deliveries to Lady Amber Comark, the daughter of Imperial Moff Jesco Comark, and Grand Admiral Miltin Takel, both regular clients, in the coming days.

Wright-Sims eventually encountered Mayli Weng, a former romantic interest whom he had casually courted at least two years earlier. Wright-Sims recalled his time with Weng, a woman possessing an exceptional figure, friendly disposition, and luxuriously long, brown hair, as a pleasant experience, though he could not recall the reason for their separation. As Wright-Sims graciously reintroduced himself to Weng with light conversation and began casually leading her toward the quieter areas of the gala, away from the other guests, he silently acknowledged that perhaps enduring the opera's five-hour performance would indeed prove worthwhile.

However, Weng's politeness vanished once they were alone. She rejected his overt romantic advances, unwilling to reopen old emotional wounds, claiming that they were both attending the party for the sake of their businesses—Weng was present as a representative of the Exotic Entertainers' Union to address the mistreatment of her constituents. When Wright-Sims calmly persisted and placed an arm around her shoulder, offering a distraction from her troubles, Weng moved to distance herself, rejecting any offer of his merchandise, if that was his only intention. However, selling more spice was not Wright-Sims' aim. Instead, he suggested they reminisce about old times, perhaps over some appetizers from a server's tray and a glass of Cedrellian aged wine—a carefree evening together, with no obligations.

Wright-Sims then gently guided Weng by the hand toward the reception hall's terrace arches and the balcony garden beyond, charming her with his own rendition of the Korfani poet, Adranax: Why mourn for tomorrow in tears today/When current fleeting hours not long shall stay?/Come stroll with me, we shall find your lost peace/In an old friend's arms and a gentle kiss.

Xizor's last spice endowment

Wright-Sims later visited Xizor's Palace in 3.5 ABY, on the morning before Xizor was ultimately killed in battle with elements of the Imperial Navy, under the command of Darth Vader, above Coruscant. Wright-Sims, whose appointment followed shortly after Mayli Weng's own meeting with Xizor on the same day, presented the Dark Prince with ten kilograms of the highest-grade spice, his regular contribution to ensure he maintained Black Sun's favor. Although Xizor abstained from using spice, he preferred to have some on hand in case his guests wished to indulge, allowing him to be a gracious host. As always, price was not a concern in the transaction, and Xizor thanked Wright-Sims before dismissing him.

Personality and traits

While spice dealing might have seemed a dubious occupation to some, particularly among Coruscant's upper classes, Wendell Wright-Sims believed that the Emperor's noble subjects deserved to enjoy themselves. If the Coruscant populace remained addicted and docile as a result, thereby serving the Emperor's purposes, Wright-Sims was content with that as well. He understood his place in Coruscant's power structure, readily accommodating both the Empire and Black Sun for allowing him to pursue his trade. Wright-Sims, however, did not use his own product. Instead, he found fulfillment in the extravagant lifestyle that being Imperial Center's leading spice dealer enabled him to enjoy.

Wright-Sims considered the life of a wealthy Coruscanti socialite to be merely an extension of his role as a spice dealer. To that end, he consistently attended social functions with the Coruscant elite to market his product to his addicted clientele. A product of superficiality and a master of complimentary banter, Wright-Sims meticulously cultivated a fashionable appearance, which included dressing in the latest trends, scenting his whitened hair with fine fragrances, and maintaining a stylishly lean physique. He regularly monitored the newsnets for the latest "hot trends," styled his speech to incorporate popular catchphrases, and stayed informed about current events to prepare himself for sophisticated conversations. Wright-Sims could adeptly discuss recent political developments, reflect on elitist societal ideals with Human High Culture theorists, and speculate on galactic developments with refined eloquence.

Skills and abilities

Wright-Sims possessed mechanical aptitude in beast riding and repulsorlift operation.


Wright-Sims' personal equipment included a datapad linked to the newsnets and a hold-out blaster.

Behind the scenes

Wendell Wright-Sims made his initial brief appearance in the May 1996 Shadows of the Empire novel, penned by Steve Perry, as one of the many business underlings who paid tribute to Prince Xizor of Black Sun. The character's biographical background, based on his role as a spice dealer in the novel, was significantly expanded upon in the June 1996 Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook, by Peter Schweighofer, where Wright-Sims was revealed to be Coruscant's foremost spice dealer, catering to the most elite members of Coruscant's high society. Artist Tim Bobko provided the sourcebook's character illustration of Wright-Sims.

