White (soldier)

White served as a soldier on the Vector, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, during 1 BBY. Having survived the Blackwing outbreak, he became one of the last survivors on the abandoned Star Destroyer. Ultimately, he perished while saving Zahara Cody's life.


White was a member of the Imperial forces concealed within the Sentinel-class Shuttle Freebird. This shuttle was held captive aboard the Vector by a tractor beam. When the Blackwing virus erupted on the Vector, transforming the majority of the crew into ravenous, mindless undead, he was among thirty soldiers who sought sanctuary in the shuttle.

While seven crew-members remained in hiding, Imperial Corrections Officer Jareth Sartoris attempted to use the shuttle as a refuge from the infected. White's Commander, Gorrister, explained to Sartoris that the plague had breached containment ten weeks prior. Sartoris then deduced that the crew could not have survived that long; Gorrister revealed that they had been forced to resort to cannibalism. Two soldiers attempted to restrain Sartoris, but he managed to break free. Sartoris began to hurl the soldiers from the shuttle into the horde of infected zombies, but White begged him for mercy, and Sartoris spared him. Sartoris fled across the hangar, while White remained in the shuttle with troopers Pauling and Tanner.

Upon the arrival of Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Trig Longo at the shuttle, following Sartoris' instructions, Tanner informed them of White's death. Later, Dr. Cody disclosed that White had rescued her from an attack by the creatures, sacrificing his life in the process.

