
Winlion existed as one of the thousand moons of Iego. These moons circled the Outer Rim Territories planet known as Iego. The moons, like the planet itself at coordinates T-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid, were shrouded in mystery. The gray terrain of Winlion was characterized by many impact craters.

Behind the scenes

The reference book Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, published in 2017, included a mention of Winlion. The artwork depicting the moon in the Visual Encyclopedia came from concept art by Jackson Sze. This art, titled "Iego 1000 Moons," was created on October 3, 2007 for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Mystery of a Thousand Moons." However, the moon was not featured in the episode.


  • Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia (First mentioned)

Notes and references
