
Wioslea was a Vuvrian woman who worked as a sales merchant for land-based vehicles. Consistent with her species, she possessed a sizable head with a pair of tentacles and eyes of varying shapes and colors. During the year 0 BBY, she purchased Luke Skywalker's X-34 landspeeder for a sum of two thousand credits in Mos Eisley, which is located on Tatooine. The Vuvrian's height was comparable to that of Skywalker and his Jedi Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and she had two arms ending in a flat, green feature that moved to create a hand-like shape.

Behind the scenes

A photograph of aliens behind the scenes of A New Hope, including Wioslea

Wioslea's initial appearance was in the 1977 movie Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars, was the one who conceived the character.

