Wraith Two was the call sign used to identify the second member of the starfighter squadron known as Wraith Squadron. This pilot was the wingmate to the leader of the squadron. Commander Wedge Antilles had a policy of assigning this position to inexperienced pilots who needed extra guidance and protection.
After the New Republic's Gray Squadron adopted the "Wraith" designation, Jesmin Ackbar, the squadron's communications specialist, became the first pilot to operate under the call sign. She participated in the evacuation of Folor and raids targeting Xartun and Blood Nest. Tragically, her life ended when she crashed on the moon's surface during the Blood Nest mission.
Following Ackbar's death, Castin Donn, a Coruscanti slicer, replaced her as Wraith Two during Wraith Squadron's campaign where they were disguised as a pirate force. Donn was killed during an unauthorized infiltration mission on Warlord Zsinj's Super Star Destroyer, the Iron Fist. Subsequently, Gara Petothel, a fellow Wraith and former Imperial spy, assumed the role under the alias "Lara Notsil."