
Wyyyschokk, colossal spider species, inhabited the planet of Kashyyyk. Possessing high intelligence and extreme aggression, they captured food by projecting webs and frequently ambushed from above or below. The Albino Wyyyschokk was a well-known variant. Their eggs were an ingredient for a cake called Kashyyyk cake.

Biology and appearance

The large spider species known as Wyyyschokk were indigenous to Kashyyyk. These creatures were highly intelligent and displayed hostility towards most sentient beings. They could launch a web-like substance from their mouths.

Wyyyschokk eggs

A fully grown wyyyschokk could produce as many as 1,000 eggs each year. They protected their offspring from predators by creating incredibly strong egg sacs using webbing, saliva, and a special fluid from lymphatic nodes under each leg. Once an egg hatched, the young wyyyschokk could spend up to five days eating its way out of the sac, emerging extremely hungry and ready to attack anything in sight.


Wyyyschokk were known for their attack method of projecting a web-like enzyme at their target. They often ambushed prey by dropping from the forest canopy or hiding underground, where they would attempt to crush their prey's head with their mandibles.

Stormtroopers fell prey to Wyyyschokk quite often.

Their prevalence on Kashyyyk was such that an estimated 15% of the planet's forests were covered in their webs. Consequently, young Wookiees were taught defense techniques against these creatures as young as three years old.


In 82 BBY, Sean confessed to knowing a Mythrol recipe involving detoxified Wyyyschokk spider eggs cooked in hot vinegrass soup.

During 14 BBY, Cal Kestis encountered and was attacked by several wyyyschokk, including an Albino, while exploring Kashyyyk. Furthermore, the Haxion Brood included Wyyyschokk in their collection of creatures used in their arena, forcing Kestis to fight them after his capture.

Behind the scenes

Originally, Wyyyschokk appeared as creatures within Star Wars Legends. Their canonical debut occurred in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was developed by Respawn Entertainment. Within the game, they serve as enemies that players can encounter on Kashyyyk.

