X-Wing: Iron Fist

The sixth book in the X-Wing novel series is titled X-Wing: Iron Fist. Bantam Spectra released it on July 6, 1998. Aaron Allston is the author, and Anthony Heald provided the narration for the audiobook edition.

Publisher's summary

Against expectations, Wraith Squadron, a group known for causing controversy, managed to pull through their initial top-secret assignment. Now, they are tasked to face danger again. Wedge Antilles is sending them to take down the warlord Zsinj along with his Super Star Destroyer, the Iron Fist. If Zsinj decides to side with the Empire, the war's outcome against the Rebels could shift. Wraith Squadron's mission is to get into the warlord's fleet and find out what he's planning, which is a closely guarded secret. To do this, they need to pretend to be heartless pirates who want to join Zsinj's crew. This means they first have to become pirates in areas filled with Imperial Navy patrols. As if that wasn't risky enough, they also have to pass a final test—a mission that's likely to end in death for Zsinj.

Is it possible for them to survive the test and outsmart Zsinj?

Or will Wraith Squadron's journey end here?

Plot summary

Following Wraith Squadron's initial successful operation against Admiral Trigit, the squadron is reassigned to Coruscant. While visiting a local bar, they are ambushed by a cyborg resembling Phanan, which leads to a massive brawl. Military Police from the New Republic arrive quickly, stopping the fight and arresting the Wraith Squadron members. As they're being escorted away, Face Loran suggests it might be a setup, prompting the others to escape and overpower their captors.

During the debriefing, it's revealed that the New Republic MPs were actually undercover agents working for Warlord Zsinj. For their safety, Wraith Squadron is ordered to stay on base. They also get new pilots: Castin Donn, Dia Passik, and Shalla Nelprin. Their new assignment at the base is to predict Zsinj's upcoming plans. Meanwhile, Phanan recognizes Atton Repness, one of the debriefing officers, as the corrupt official who coerced Tyria into silence about his illegal dealings. Phanan and Kell create an elaborate scheme to lure Repness and expose his corruption. Phanan and Face enlist Lara Notsil, who is actually Gara Petothel in disguise, offering her a place in Wraith Squadron if she helps them bring down Repness.

After presenting their predictions of Zsinj's strategies, Wraith Squadron is dispatched to the Halmad system, an Imperial territory rich in resources. Their mission is to act as a pirate group, staging raids to attract Zsinj's attention. They successfully infiltrate an Imperial base and steal six TIE interceptors. As the "Hawk-bats," the Wraiths initiate pirate attacks on both freighters and ground targets.

Meanwhile, at the pilot academy, Lara Notsil continues her efforts to bait Repness, eventually succeeding. Using her skills from Imperial Intelligence, she hacks into Repness' computer and anonymously sends the information to New Republic Intelligence. She then publicly declines Repness' offer to join his operation. Repness tries to silence her, but fails and is arrested. Lara receives Repness' old X-Wing and is transferred to Wraith Squadron just in time to assist Rogue Squadron on a joint mission. During the mission, Lara has an opportunity to shoot Wedge's X-Wing, but she can't bring herself to do it. Following the mission, Wraith Squadron resumes their role as the Hawk-bats and prepares for a large-scale raid on two Imperial airbases. Face notices Phanan's increasing depression, and Lara is secretly contacted by Warlord Zsinj, disguised as a job offer from the real Lara's brother. Lara is faced with the decision of whether to side with the New Republic or the Empire. Myn Donos offers her support and volunteers to accompany Lara to meet her "brother," suspecting it might be a trap set by Zsinj.

The Wraiths begin their massive raid, but Zsinj quickly thwarts their plans with an ambush. Phanan's fighter is shot down, and Face attempts to rescue him. Tragically, Phanan sustains fatal injuries from the crash and passes away. Devastated by the loss of his close friend, Face returns to the Wraiths and learns that Zsinj has invited the Hawk-bats to join his fleet. Meanwhile, Lara and Donos arrive at the meeting point. Lara meets her "brother" and an Imperial Intelligence agent. Lara refuses to join them, and Donos immediately shoots them both dead with his sniper rifle. Lara then deceives Donos, claiming that the men tried to kidnap her.

Accepting Zsinj's offer, Face, Kell, and Dia go to meet with Zsinj to gather intelligence about him. Castin secretly boards their shuttle, hoping his tracer program will help destroy Zsinj. Unfortunately, Castin is killed while trying to install the program. Zsinj questions Face about the incident, and Dia is forced to "kill" Castin to prove their loyalty. (Zsinj staged the situation to make it appear as though Castin's body was still alive.) Dia experiences severe post-traumatic stress disorder due to her actions, but Face manages to comfort her. The romantic feelings between Face and Dia begin to surface.

After analyzing the data provided by Zsinj, Wedge deduces that Zsinj intends to attack Kuat and seize a new Super Star Destroyer, the Razor's Kiss. Shalla is assigned as the Hawk-bat's combat specialist to "assist" Zsinj's commando unit, while the rest of Wraith Squadron will continue to pose as the Hawk-Bats, aiding Zsinj's forces in the assault on the Kuat shipyards. Shalla successfully installs Castin's tracker program into the _Razor's Kiss' _computers and sabotages the shield generators. A New Republic task force, led by Han Solo, ambushes Zsinj's forces at the rendezvous point after the successful capture of the Razor's Kiss, destroying the Razor's Kiss and inflicting severe damage on the Iron Fist.

Face, having sustained serious injuries during the battle, returns to the Wraiths. They notice that he has removed his signature scar. Face reveals that Phanan made him do it, stipulating in his will that if Face didn't get the operation, Phanan's substantial wealth would go to Face's rival actor, Tetran Cowall.



Below is a collection displaying the different cover designs for X-Wing: Iron Fist.
