The initial comic in the X-Wing: Rogue Leader comic book series was X-Wing: Rogue Leader 1. Dark Horse Comics published it on September 28, 2005.
Following the demise of the Emperor and the obliteration of the Death Star II, and directly after the truce at Bakura, a band of Rebel pilots anticipate some much-needed rest and relaxation. However, they encounter a lethal assault by retaliatory Imperials that dramatically alters their lives.
Prepare for action! The Rogue Squadron is ready to take to the skies once more! Accompany Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, along with the other Rogues on a quest that will solidify their status as heroes, not only of the Rebellion, but for the entire galaxy!
Behold the return of one of the most highly sought-after storylines in Star Wars history!
Shortly after the destruction of Death Star II, Blue Squadron finds itself on Endor. Ten Numb is assisting in extinguishing forest fires utilizing his B-wing starfighter. He is summoned back from his current task to receive a new assignment. On the ground nearby, Tycho Celchu and Wes Janson are hunting for imperials when a Gorax ambushes them, adorned with dead Stormtrooper parts as a sash. Wes Janson shoots the Gorax in the eye, resulting in its immediate death. Tycho contacts base requesting permission to return. Instead, he is instructed to proceed to the western ridge.
Wedge Antilles and his Y-wings squadron are concluding a mission when they receive orders to return to Endor. Luke Skywalker informs Wedge that the Empire persists in fighting, despite the death of Emperor Palpatine. Every major sector is undergoing evaluation, except for the Corellian sector. Luke, Ten, Tycho, Wes, and Wedge will form the new Rogue Squadron tasked with investigating Corellia.
One week later on Corellia, Rogue Squadron is located in the city of Coronet. Having surveyed the system without finding any imperials, they opt to unwind at a local cantina. Luke detects a disturbance in the Force and barely avoids a rocket that was fired at the cantina. Luke leaps onto the balcony and defeats the imperial snipers who were targeting the Cantina. Looking from the balcony, Luke discovers that these snipers were merely the vanguard of an invading force.