Xat Hracken

Xat Hracken, a male Human Lord of the Sith, held the position of Combat Master at a Sith training facility located on Odacer-Faustin. By the year 3645 BBY, Hracken's tenure as an instructor at this academy spanned several decades. Shortly after the disappearance of a student named Wim Nickter, Hracken stayed awake late into the night alongside a student, Mnah Ra'at, as Ra'at practiced his combat skills using the academy's simulator. To assess Ra'at's capabilities in darkness, Hracken extinguished the lights in the training room, challenging him to fight the machine while blinded.


Xat Hracken, a Force-sensitive male Human, lived during the era of the Great Galactic War and the subsequent period of political instability. During this time, Hracken aligned himself with the Sith Empire, eventually rising to become both a Master and a Lord of the Sith. He served the Empire as a combat instructor, with his post being the Sith academy found on the snow-covered planet of Odacer-Faustin. The conflict against the Galactic Republic concluded in 3653 BBY with the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant. Following this treaty, the Empire opted to increase the production of Sith warriors and leaders. Master Hracken continued in his role as a combat instructor at the Odacer-Faustin Sith academy for many years, imparting his considerable skill to the students who studied there.

Hracken managed to survive the initial outbreak caused by Scabrous' experiment and saved Ra'at along with his fellow students Hartwig, Maggs, and Kindra by using Force lightning to destroy their attackers. He then killed the infected Ra'at by incinerating him with Force lightning shortly after the student was turned.

The remaining four Sith began to suspect each other of being infected and stripped to inspect each other for signs of infection. However, unknown to the others, Hracken had inadvertently bitten his lip during the previous fight while straining to maintain his Force lightning, resulting in infected blood entering the wound. He succumbed to the infection and murdered Hartwig before Kindra killed him.

Personality and traits

Hracken's physical characteristics were more reminiscent of an Aqualish than a Human, with a stocky build, wide shoulders, and a shaved head. His face was olive-toned, and he typically wore a scowling expression. He was fascinated by Ra'at's ambition.

Powers and abilities

In addition to his other combat proficiencies, Hracken possessed exceptional mastery over Force lightning, which he used to devastate hordes of zombies, with the power resulting in a loud explosion.

Behind the scenes

Joe Schreiber, the author, conceived Xat Hracken for the 2010 horror novel Red Harvest, which serves as a prequel to Death Troopers, also written by Schreiber. Red Harvest remains Hracken's only appearance to date.

