Hairless, flying predators known as Xuvvas were related to mynocks but possessed a taste for flesh as carnivores. Similar to mynocks, xuvvas consumed electrical energy from power sources; however, they also had fangs, distended abdomens, and horn-like antennae equipped with highly sensitive electroreceptors used to locate their victims. Legend held that a solitary xuvva could prove lethal even to a skilled hunter, and a group of them was capable of consuming a creature as large as a Hutt in mere minutes.
Xuvvas inhabited planets such as Dantooine, Dromund Kaas, and Nal Hutta. Near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, a xuvva named Fuzzy was a companion to the zeldrate pair Ol' Cronchy and Skar'kla Yug by a lake. These three creatures were the cherished pets of Yarvok, and they received food from the Alliance Commander's team as the Eternal Alliance advanced toward the Enclave.