Yaddle's Tale: The One Below

"Yaddle's Tale: The One Below," a 16-page comic book, was published inside Star Wars Tales 5. It showcases the Jedi Master Yaddle. The narrative unfolds before the Battle of Naboo, detailing the reasons and circumstances surrounding her elevation to the rank of Master and her appointment to the Jedi Council. This story appears in both Star Wars Tales Volume 2 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: Rise of the Sith Vol. 1.

Story Synopsis

Yaddle in captivity

The Jedi Council, while contemplating Yaddle's potential knighthood, reflect upon the events of her training under Polvin Kut's guidance, which occurred two centuries earlier.

During a mission aimed at freeing the colonies controlled by the Advozse warlord Tulak, the pair are double-crossed on Koba, resulting in Kut's demise. The Padawan Yaddle is captured by the warlord, but she resists his attempts at interrogation, warning him, "Your rule is based on terror, and you will perish by fear."

Eventually, Tulak grows weary of the colony and departs from Koba. Before his departure, he imprisons Yaddle in a pit, intending to potentially use her as leverage in the future. However, she is soon forgotten. For a century, she remains confined, sustained by food and water provided by the guards left behind after Tulak's exit. Over time, the local inhabitants begin to refer to her as The One Below. During her imprisonment, Yaddle refines her Jedi abilities.

Ultimately, a groundquake causes the collapse of the pit's roof, enabling her to break free. Witnessing the devastation of the nearby village, she chooses to stay on the planet to assist the Kobans. She leads the citizens to prosperity, finding quiet satisfaction in her work, until Kalut, Tulak's son, returns to Koba, asserting his claim to it as his inheritance. Forced into combat, Yaddle defeats him, thus completing the mission her master had started.

After hearing this account, the Jedi Council, especially Yoda, initially prefers that she continue her Jedi training, but they are convinced to initiate her as a Jedi Master.

Canon Considerations

Given that this comic is featured in a Star Wars Tales edition that precedes Issue #21, the canonicity of the original story was initially ambiguous. However, references to the story's events have since appeared in the novels Cloak of Deception and Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap, as well as in The Official Star Wars Fact File, effectively establishing it as largely canonical.

Some minor inconsistencies exist within the framing story. For example, Oppo Rancisis is depicted as a member of the Jedi Council during Yaddle's confirmation in certain panels of the comic, despite other sources indicating that Oppo was trained by Yaddle.

