Yanila Zavros was a Jedi Knight of the Togruta species and female gender who served the Jedi Order. Her service occurred during the era of the Great Galactic War, a conflict that pitted the Galactic Republic against the resurgent Sith Empire.
Yanila, along with Rolend Zavros, became parents to a daughter named Ashara in the year 3660 BBY. Unfortunately, the demands placed on the two Jedi meant they could not dedicate significant time to raising their daughter. Tragically, in 3653 BBY, Yanila and her spouse met their killed defending the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant during the Sacking of Coruscant. Following their deaths, Jedi Masters Ryen and Ocera took on the responsibility of raising Yanila's child as her full-time guardians.
Evidence from Ashara's spoken lines and the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia corroborates the fact that Rolend and Yanila perished during the Great Galactic War. Nevertheless, in one interaction with Ashara, she references a letter from "Mom and Dad" that mentions a brother named Asher, further stating that fifteen years have elapsed since her last encounter with them.