A palatial estate located on the world of Mataou was once the property of the Hutt named Yantuh. After the Hutt's demise, a small military unit of Imperial recruits under the command of Sergeant Hyllis took up residence on the palace grounds. During the Empire's Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector, the criminal kingpin Shortpaw dispatched a youthful smuggler and his criminal associate Happy Dapp to assault the garrison stationed at the palace.
The purpose of this assault was to create a diversion, allowing the Trade Spine League to slip a vessel past the naval blockade. The two criminals battled their way through the Imperial troops and eliminated Hyllis, effectively diverting the Empire's attention sufficiently for the league's ship to successfully navigate through the blockade.
The initial depiction of Yantuh's palace was in the 2015 mobile game titled Star Wars: Uprising.