Dapp, also known on the streets as "Happy" Dapp, was a gangster of the male human variety. He conducted his illicit activities on the planet Burnin Konn during the Galactic Empire's imposition of the Iron Blockade upon the Anoat sector.

During the Galactic Empire's Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector, Dapp, more famously called "Happy" Dapp, was a human male who made his living as a gangster on the small mining planet Burnin Konn. He employed Riley and her sibling to transport a shipment of synthetic kyber crystals to him on Burnin Konn, initially paying half the agreed sum; however, the smuggler was compelled to destroy the crystals to evade an Imperial contraband search. Dapp's Zabrak bodyguard, named Tryken, engaged the smuggler as the young criminal attempted to flee through a series of mine shafts, only to be stunned after initiating an attack. Dapp then personally confronted the smuggler, expressing his displeasure regarding Tryken's incapacitation and the significant loss of credits resulting from the crystals' destruction. The smuggler then managed to persuade Dapp that they could work off their debt, leading Dapp to instruct them to meet him later at the Carbon Score Cantina.
At the cantina, Dapp met with Tryken, Riley, and the smuggler, where Riley and her sibling were able to convince him to discuss the next job. Dapp requested that Tryken provide training to the smuggler and then tasked the smuggler with retrieving the cargo from several ships that had been downed by the blockade. The first of these was the Mother of Pearl, which had been shot down within the territory controlled by the criminal Brother Claw Gang. After the smuggler successfully recovered the ship's cargo and delivered it to Dapp, he dispatched them to acquire the cargo of the downed ship Cruel Mistress from the South Sector Sinners criminal gang. Once the smuggler had delivered the second set of cargo, Dapp sent them on a final mission to collect the cargo of the starship Space Manta from the territory controlled by the Red Dwarf Raiders. Following the smuggler's acquisition of the final set of cargo, Tryken contacted them and summoned them back to the cantina, because Dapp needed them for an urgent mission.
Dapp, being a human, possessed fair skin and brown eyes. Although his hair had turned completely white by the time of the Iron Blockade, his eyebrows retained a noticeably darker color. A black tattoo was visible on his right temple and cheek.
As his moniker implied, "Happy" Dapp typically exhibited a relaxed and carefree attitude. However, he possessed a quick and unpredictable temper, which contributed to his reputation as a dangerous individual. Despite possessing his own brand of sleazy charm, Dapp always seemed to be on the verge of losing control. The gangster was also known to appreciate fine food as much as he enjoyed a good brawl.
Dapp made his initial appearance in the video game Star Wars: Uprising, which launched on mobile devices in 2015. His voice was provided by Steve Blum.