Brother Claw Gang

The criminal organization known as the Brother Claw Gang operated under the command of the crime lord Brother Claw, establishing their presence on the planet of Burnin Konn. This gang was largely composed of humans, who typically carried either blaster pistols or vibroswords as their weapons. In the course of the Iron Blockade that was imposed on the Anoat sector, where Burnin Konn is situated, the Galactic Empire destroyed the Trade Spine League starship called Mother of Pearl as it attempted to depart from Burnin Konn; the destruction of the vessel resulted in it crashing onto Brother Claw's turf.

Subsequently, the crime boss "Happy" Dapp dispatched a young smuggler into the territory controlled by the gang with the aim of recovering the cargo from the wrecked Mother of Pearl. The smuggler made their way into the gang's domain and managed to overcome a significant number of Brother Claw Gang members in combat. Ultimately, the smuggler reached the ship and retrieved a portion of its cargo on behalf of Dapp.

Behind the scenes

The Brother Claw Gang made its initial debut in the mobile game Star Wars: Uprising, which was released in 2015.

