
A ycaqt was a sizable herd creature of the reptilian variety, indigenous to the planet known as Velmor. Renowned for their strength, obstinacy, and surprising speed given their bulk, ycaqt sustained themselves primarily on a diet of plankton. They utilized their enormous mouths to gather and filter up to 20 kilograms of water in a single gulp. Despite their imposing size, ycaqt possessed a generally docile nature, typically choosing flight over fight when faced with predators, unless escape was impossible. Ycaqt played a significant role in Velmor's cultural heritage and traditions, notably featuring in ceremonial celebrations as well as serving purposes in herding and various sporting events.

Biology and appearance

Hailing from the Mid Rim planet Velmor, ycaqt were substantial, hairless reptilian herd animals characterized by their mottled orange skin. A defining feature of the ycaqt was their flat heads, distinguished by a prominent maw used to scoop up to 20 liters of water at a time. Within this maw resided delicate baleen structures, which filtered the captured water, enabling the ycaqt to consume the plankton that constituted the majority of their nutritional intake.

A ycaqt being ridden during the Velmorian Mrid Hunt

Their robust, rounded bodies were supported by a pair of powerful hind legs, each terminating in broad, three-toed feet, complemented by a tail that provided balance. Demonstrating considerable strength, ycaqt were capable of carrying loads of up to 350 kilograms and dragging weights as high as 1,750 kilograms. Remarkably, they possessed a surprising turn of speed for their size, enabling them to outpace most of Velmor's predators. Bipedal sentients could ride ycaqt, typically utilizing saddles for this purpose.


Despite the intimidating appearance of the ycaqt's expansive maw, they primarily defended themselves with their tail, as biting risked damage to their baleen. However, encounters involving ycaqt in conflict were infrequent, as these large herd animals were generally considered to be peaceful, albeit notably stubborn, creatures. When faced with threatening situations, their first instinct was typically to flee, resorting to fighting only when trapped. Their placid disposition attracted the attention of herders from other worlds, though their uncooperative nature and preference for temperate or tropical climates often hindered their success away from Velmor.


For a long time, ycaqt held a position of importance in Velmorian culture. In ancient times, Velmorian knights rode ycaqt into battle, and they were frequently incorporated into the pre-coronation ceremonies for Velmor's rulers. A prime example is the Mrid Hunt, a significant tradition preceding the crowning of a new King of Velmor, where participants would ride ycaqt into the planet's forests in search of the small, elusive mrids. Eventually, knowledge of the ycaqt spread beyond Velmor, sparking interest from offworlders seeking to acquire them for herding or sporting applications. By the era following the Galactic Civil War, ycaqt could be encountered on planets such as Froswythe.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of the Ycaqt was in Star Wars (1977) 49, which was written by Mike W. Barr and published in 1981. Walter Simonson provided the illustrations of the creatures in the comic.

