Mrids represented a species of diminutive, pink-colored, quadrupedal creatures, similar in appearance to rabbits. Their origin was the planet of Velmor. For a great many years, the royal family of Velmor engaged in the breeding of these animals, and they would later participate in a ritualistic event known as a Mrid Hunt. This hunt served as a reminder of the times when the people native to Velmor were compelled to live as hunting groups to ensure their survival. Three years following the Battle of Yavin, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Prince Denid took part in a Mrid Hunt within the capital city of Den Velmor. They rode upon sizable Ycaqts, splitting up into smaller groups to pursue the mrids into the nearby wooded areas. Mrids possessed keen survival skills, making them very good at concealing themselves, which added a level of difficulty to the hunt.
Mrids were initially featured in Star Wars (1977) 49, which was penned by Mike W. Barr and made available to the public in 1981. Walter Simonson provided the illustrations for the creatures in the comic book.