Yeeru Chivkyrie

Yeeru Chivkyrie originated from the planet Shelkonwa located within the Shelsha sector, and was identified as a male Adarian. Early in the Galactic Civil War, he led a Rebel Alliance cell known as Republic Redux. In the year 0 ABY, Vilim Disra, the Chief Administrator for the Shelsha sector, informed Chivkyrie that Governor Barshnis Choard was plotting to declare the sector's independence, with the ultimate goal of joining forces with the Rebel Alliance. However, Chivkyrie's associates, Thillis Slanni, the director of planning for Shining Hope, and Ydor Vokkoli, the leader of Freedonna Kaisu, were skeptical of Disra's intentions, leading to a dispute that Leia Organa, representing the Rebel Alliance, attempted to mediate. Due to incomplete information, they sought out Disra, who abruptly ended their meeting. It was then that Chivkyrie understood Disra's betrayal, prompting him to conceal both himself and Organa from the local Imperial patrols. Upon hearing rumors of Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, arriving on Shelkonwa to capture Organa, Chivkyrie sought refuge in the catacombs of Shelkonwa, as suggested by Organa.


Born on the planet Shelkonwa, Yeeru Chivkyrie was a male Adarian from a family of a lower social tier. His standing restricted certain aspects of his life, demanding constant politeness towards those of higher status and prohibiting him from using languages not understood by his superiors. During the Galactic Empire's dominance, Chivkyrie established Republic Redux to oppose the Empire, which later integrated into the Rebel Alliance. Around 0 ABY, Chivkyrie engaged in several discussions with Vilim Disra, the Chief Administrator of the Shelsha sector. Disra revealed Governor Barshnis Choard's scheme for the Shelsha sector to break away from the Empire, hinting at potential collaboration with the Rebel Alliance. Excited by this prospect, Chivkyrie shared the plan with his colleagues, Thillis Slanni, the director of planning for Shining Hope, and Ydor Vokkoli, the leader of Freedonna Kaisu. However, they perceived significant risks and mistrusted Disra, strongly opposing the idea and threatening to withdraw from the Rebel Alliance. To mediate this conflict, the Rebel leader Leia Organa was dispatched to Chivkyrie's ship for a discussion with Chivkyrie, Slanni, and Vokkoli.

Chivkyrie recounted Disra's statements from their meetings to Organa. Recognizing potential advantages in the plan, Organa inquired about Choard's strategy to resist the Empire. Unable to answer, Chivkyrie, Organa, and his colleagues proceeded to the Flower Market in Makrin City, Shelkonwa's capital, to obtain the information from Disra. Upon arrival, disagreements arose concerning the hotel. Chivkyrie favored a more luxurious option, contrasting with Organa's preference for a less extravagant choice. At the Flower Market, the Adarian hesitated to reveal his companions' true identities, given Leia Organa's status as one of the galaxy's most wanted individuals. Instead, he referred to them using the first three letters of the Aurebesh alphabet: Aurek, Besh, and Cresh. When Organa questioned Disra about his number of allies, the administrator abruptly left the meeting, unable to provide an immediate answer. Annoyed but unsurprised by Disra's behavior, Chivkyrie attempted to apologize, but Organa instructed him to cease all contact with Disra and urged an immediate departure from the planet. Despite his incomprehension of Organa's mistrust, Chivkyrie contacted his pilot, who informed him of Choard's recent ban on Humans leaving Shelkonwa. Upon learning this, Chivkyrie realized Disra's betrayal and urged his colleagues to flee to avoid capture by the patrols.

Slanni and Vokkoli evacuated the planet to safeguard their people. Chivkyrie, against his colleagues' advice, chose to remain with Organa, unwilling to abandon a guest in danger on his home world. Recognizing the impossibility of maintaining his social standing, he relinquished his name, home, and rank to protect Organa. His strategy involved blending in, seeking a safe occupation for Organa while they remained hidden. He found a suitable opportunity in the job advertisements: a tapcafe managed by the Mungra Vicria. Organa, surprised by his actions, accepted the position. Throughout the day, the Adarian grew increasingly pessimistic due to the ongoing patrols searching for them.

Around midnight, Chivkyrie and Organa were discussing their predicament in a flat provided for employees of Vicria's tapcafe when they overheard housebreakers attempting to break into a theater employee's residence. Organa noticed an Adarian child inside the house, and knowing the potential actions of housebreakers towards witnesses, she felt compelled to rescue the child. However, Chivkyrie feared for her safety. The Rebel leader planned to sever a pipe near the window by shooting at its mountings, then position the pipe's end on the theater employee's roof and slide down to confront the criminals. After her initial shots at the pipe, Chivkyrie observed the housebreakers fleeing, and Organa returned to the house.

The following day, Chivkyrie lost all confidence in their survival upon hearing of Darth Vader, a Dark Lord of the Sith, arriving in the city. Organa encouraged him, having frequently evaded Vader in the past. She reminded him that the stormtroopers would be searching for her, not him. Following this conversation, he sought refuge in the catacombs, a network of caves in Makrin City historically used as a hiding place for outlaws and war criminals. Meanwhile, Organa continued her work at Vicria's tapcafe until the Rebels Luke Skywalker and Han Solo rescued her.

Personality and traits

Yeeru Chivkyrie, a sentient being, possessed a strong sense of trust in others. For instance, he initially perceived Disra's disappearance as a minor discourtesy, as if it were a common occurrence, while Organa and the other Rebels were convinced of Disra's betrayal. The Adarian only recognized the betrayal upon learning of the ban on Humans leaving Shelkonwa.

Furthermore, maintaining his social standing was of great importance to Chivkyrie. He disliked the idea of staying in a lower-class hotel but refrained from objecting to avoid making a negative impression. Despite his concern for his image, the Republic Redux leader willingly sacrificed his social reputation to oppose the Empire. During the search by local patrols, he began to doubt the Rebel Alliance's ability to defeat the Empire, particularly upon hearing of Darth Vader's involvement. Ultimately, when Organa assured him that the Empire would not be searching for him, he regained his confidence.

Behind the scenes

Yeeru Chivkyrie's sole appearance occurred in the 2007 novel Allegiance by Timothy Zahn. Chivkyrie was a supporting character within the narrative.

