
A native of Thyferra, a [planet](/article/planet/legends] that is home to the Vratix, Yopaxtul was an athlete. His career reached its peak during the closing years of the Galactic Republic. Specifically, in 22 BBY, Yopaxtul took part in the renowned racing event, Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings, which was held on Teyr. He emerged victorious in the one hundred meter hexaped race, establishing a new record with a time of 6.132 seconds.


Yopaxtul, a sprinter whose active period occurred during the final years of the Galactic Republic, hailed from the Polith system, specifically the planet of Thyferra. As a member of the six-limbed, insectoid Vratix species, Yopaxtul made a name for himself in athletics. In 22 BBY, he participated in the prestigious Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings racing meet, an annual event that took place in the city of Pyre Folas on the planet Teyr. Yopaxtul, representing the Vratix, achieved victory in the one hundred meter hexaped race, setting a new speed record of 6.132 seconds in the process. As recognition for this win, Yopaxtul received a medal. Subsequently, he was photographed alongside Yeep, the Teek who won the biped race, and Pumav, the Selonian who won the quadruped race. The HoloNet News reported on the events of that year's Mobquet Presents, including Yopaxtul's participation and impressive victory.

