The Yuuzhan Vong advance scout ship functioned as a spacecraft within the Yuuzhan Vong fleet.
The ship's coloration was dark. It possessed multiple tendrils hanging from its sides. A sizable hangar, located at the front, could accommodate several vessels the size of a Yorik-et.
During the era of the New Republic, A'Sharad Hett, a former Jedi Knight, met his capture by the Yuuzhan Vong when his transport experienced a crash landing inside one of their scouting vessels.
During his imprisonment on the vessel, he endured torture and experimentation. It was also during this time that he encountered Vergere, a Jedi who had turned Sith and been exiled. While Hett underwent the Embrace of Pain, they engaged in numerous discussions about the dark side of the Force and the Sith Order, specifically concerning its proper structure.
As the Yuuzhan Vong War approached its commencement, and after Vergere's departure to join priestess Falung, Hett successfully escaped. Utilizing the dark side, he eliminated the ship's crew. Subsequently, he destroyed the scout ship with the intention of leading the Vong to believe he had perished.
As hostilities began, scout ships were included in the Yuuzhan Vong fleet as it progressed towards Artorias. A number of these ships were participants in the capture of Coruscant. At the war's conclusion, a scout ship was part of a Yuuzhan Vong fleet that was destroyed above Wayland.