
Zeami served the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic as a Commander within the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars; she was a female Near-Human Padawan.


Zeami, a Force-sensitive Near-Human, underwent education in the Force's ways at the Coruscant Jedi Temple under the auspices of the Jedi Order. As a member of an Initiate clan being taught by Grand Master Yoda, Zeami developed a friendship with Jedi Initiate Iguni early in life. After being chosen as a Padawan by a Jedi Master, Zeami created a lightsaber for combat.

With the onset of the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Zeami assumed the role of Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic. During the war's final year, Zeami was stationed on Coruscant when General Grievous initiated a surprise attack against the capital planet. Despite being ordered to remain at the Temple, Zeami, along with Padawans Iguni and Zoi, rushed to join the fight after Iguni convinced her it was the correct course of action. Alongside her comrades, Zeami assisted in neutralizing several B2 super battle droids, Octuptarra combat tri-droids, and a minimum of one DSD1 dwarf spider droid before both she and Zoi sustained injuries. Witnessing his friend's injury, Iguni grasped her lifeless body and generated a whirlwind in the Force that enveloped both of them, inflicting damage on everything nearby, including Zoi.

Zeami, injured during the Battle of Coruscant.

At that moment, Iguni's master, Mace Windu, appeared and instructed Iguni to return to the Temple with his friends, as his actions were causing more harm than good. Zeami was subsequently transported to the Halls of Healing, where she received treatment for her injuries. Iguni soon visited her to apologize for his actions, and although she forgave him, he pledged to enhance his Force abilities to safeguard his friends. Zeami resumed her training alongside her friends, with both she and Zoi frequently checking on Iguni as he practiced his lightsaber techniques under Master Windu's guidance. Shortly thereafter, Iguni experienced a vision of Anakin Skywalker murdering numerous Jedi and embracing the dark side.

Behind the scenes

Zeami's sole appearance is in the story Evil Eyes, featured in the Star Wars Manga: Black issue of Tokyopop's Star Wars Manga. These stories, initially published in Japan, were regarded by Lucasfilm as having "fuzzy" continuity. They have since been re-released in English in the United Kingdom under the Infinities label, establishing their content as non-canonical.

