Zebitrope system

The Zebitrope system existed as part of the Centrality sector within the Slice region of the Outer Rim Territories. Its location was at the terminus of the Cadma Conduit hyperlane, which provided a connection to the Cadma system.

The name of the Zebitrope sector was shared with the Zebitrope system.

Within the Zebitrope system were the terrestrial planets Zebitrope IV and Zebitrope VIII, which held the fourth and eighth orbital positions, respectively.

A unique species of lizard called Zebitrope IV its homeworld, and could also be found on Zebitrope VIII. A symbiotic mold grew exclusively on the backs of these reptiles', acting as the only source of the valuable and illicit drug lesai. Smugglers exported this mold to the larger galaxy. These smugglers frequented Zebitrope VIII after completing the [spice](/article/spice/legends]-running route known as the Kessel Run, resulting in the route's extension to the Zebitrope system being called the Kessel Hop.

Behind the scenes

The Zebitrope system was introduced in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon.

Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, the second book in The Lando Calrissian Adventures trilogy by L. Neil Smith from 1983, was the first time the Zebitrope system was mentioned. The first time the system was fully shown was in the 1998 video game Star Wars: Rebellion, which depicted Zebitrope IV.

In "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I Wonder Where We Are," a roleplaying game source article from 1990 published in the thirteenth issue of the Voyages SF magazine, the Zebitrope system was placed within the Zebitrope sector. Because this article was not released through Lucas Licensing, its canonicity in the Star Wars Legends continuity was never confirmed. Later, Star Wars: Rebellion incorrectly placed Zebitrope IV in the "Dufilvan sector," a misspelling of the Dufilvian sector. Subsequently, The Essential Atlas, a 2009 reference book, superseded both the Voyages SF 13 and Star Wars: Rebellion placements by establishing the Zebitrope system's location in grid square T-8 as part of the Centrality.

A contradiction arose between The Essential Atlas and the mention of Zebitrope IV in Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon due to information from The Essential Atlas. The latter describes spongy growths on Zebitrope IV as originating from a planet "a quarter of a galaxy away" from the asteroid Oseon 6845 of the Oseon system, which The Essential Atlas places in the same sector as Zebitrope.

