The star of the Ziost system was positioned to the north inside the Stygian Caldera nebula within the Sith Worlds region. It formed a component of the Esstran sector located in the Trans-Hydian section of the Outer Rim Territories. The celestial body, along with its entire system, was situated along the Nache Bhelfia hyperlane and was distantly orbited by the planet Ziost and its pair of moons.
During a mission to Ziost set in 3640 BBY, the star seemed to be a faded orange hue from the surface in the afternoon. This was due to the dry and gritty atmosphere which was full of tiny particles of dirt and dust carried by the wind. In the time leading up to the Invasion of Ziost, the sun had a bright blue color, but it appeared white from the surface of the planet. After the invasion in 3636 BBY, the Force ritual performed by the Sith Lord Vitiate caused the star's color to shift to greenish-yellow, although it looked like a pale brown when viewed from Ziost's surface.
The sun of Ziost made its initial appearance in Legacy of the Force: Exile, a 2007 novel by Aaron Allston and the fourth book in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series. The star was first visually depicted in the Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan expansion, specifically as part of Game Update 3.2: Rise of the Emperor, which introduced the planet Ziost into the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. The Appendix of The Essential Atlas listed the Ziost system's location, and thus its sun's, as grid square R-5. However, the book's Sith Worlds map placed it in square R-4; this error was replicated in the Online Companion for the book on This article proceeds under the assumption that the book's Appendix section is incorrect, and R-4 is the proper grid square.