Zool Zendiat, a heartless human treasure seeker, established the Zendiat Collective. This thieving organization, which he led, traversed the galaxy on their starship, the [Fortune]. Through the pilfering of priceless relics, which he then sold to the highest offer, he gained notoriety. Zendiat and his Collective were suspected of having stolen Kolka Zteht's sandglass statue of Ziro the Hutt, an item that vanished from the Museum on Tatooine. Prior to the attack on Tuanul, Zendiat was on Jakku, searching for a J9 droid. Zendiat and his crew abducted Unkar Plutt, the junk boss who oversaw Niima Outpost, thereby creating a leadership void in the tiny desert settlement. Rey, a scavenger who bartered with Plutt, resolved to rescue him from Zendiat's clutches.