Zorajas Garamin's farm

title: Zorajas Garamin's Farm

During the Galactic Civil War, Zorajas Garamin was the proprietor of a farm situated on the planet Corellia. This farm could be found in the Riverlands region, in close proximity to the settlement of Tyrena. The farmer, Zorajas Garamin, was known for his rather eccentric belief that droids could be cultivated by planting them. Despite his efforts, which included increased watering, shading from sunlight, application of Banthamax 4600-SL fertilizer, and even attempts at verbal encouragement, his endeavors proved fruitless. In 1 ABY, Garamin voiced his concerns to Vani Korr, a reporter for the Corellia Times, alleging sabotage of his droids. Intrigued by the possibility of involvement by the technology-averse Meatlump criminal group, Korr sent a spacer to the location to investigate the farm. The spacer's investigation revealed no evidence of sabotage that would account for the droids' failure to "grow".

Background Information

The farm owned by Zorajas Garamin was a featured location within the 2003 massively multiplayer online roleplaying game known as Star Wars Galaxies, before the game's servers were shut down on December 15, 2011. The introduction of Zorajas Garamin's farm into the game occurred with the "Chapter 10: The Search for the Meatlump King" update, which was released on June 19, 2008.

