Captain Zornak was an extraterrestrial being from an alien race. He journeyed to the Forest Moon of Endor aboard his starship with his crew. There, he made the decision to enslave the native Ewoks, intending to exploit them for the acquisition of valuable gems to benefit his crew. Zornak employed special artifacts known as the stones of obedience to dominate the Ewoks, compelling them to load the precious gems onto his starship. However, an Ewok named Teebo, who remained unaffected by the stones' influence, discovered Zornak's scheme. After liberating another Ewok from Zornak's control, Teebo skillfully turned the stones against Zornak himself, ultimately forcing the captain to depart from Endor and release all the Ewoks from servitude.

Captain Zornak, an alien male entity, arrived in a starship. In 3 ABY, he, along with at least one other member of his species, made their way to the Forest Moon of Endor. Their objective was to utilize the stones of obedience to enslave the native Ewoks. After Zornak's probe droid located the Ewoks' village, his companion relayed the information to him. Zornak then instructed his companion to prepare the transport chamber for his immediate teleportation to the village.
To conceal his true identity, Zornak donned a robe as a disguise and teleported directly into the village. There, he encountered two young Ewoks: Wicket Warrick and Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka. When questioned about his identity, Zornak claimed to be a mere traveler seeking refuge and offered the stones of obedience as tokens of goodwill. Kintaka initially hesitated, deeming the gifts unnecessary. However, Warrick, not wanting to offend the alien, accepted the gifts on behalf of both of them. Zornak then directed the two Ewoks to wear the stones, which immediately placed them under his complete control. Compelled to obey, they followed his instructions to distribute the stones to the remaining villagers, instructing them to heed the words of the alien traveler.

Zornak, along with his companion, herded all of the Ewoks together, forcing them to load their starship with valuable gems. However, unbeknownst to them, one Ewok, Teebo, had not received a stone of obedience. While hiding nearby, he overheard and discovered Zornak's scheme. Once Zornak's probe droid spotted Teebo, he fled into the forests. Zornak's companion intended to pursue him into the woods, but Zornak reminded him that the terrain was too dense. Instead, he dispatched one of Teebo's own kind: Wicket Warrick.
Zornak commanded Warrick to utilize a stun weapon to apprehend the fleeing Teebo. However, Teebo managed to dislodge the stone of obedience from Warrick, freeing him from Zornak's control. Together, they formulated a plan to liberate the villagers. Warrick would wear the stone once more, but this time, he would be controlled by Teebo. The plan was put into action when Warrick brought Teebo back to Zornak, feigning continued obedience. As Zornak prepared to place a stone on Teebo's neck, Teebo gave Warrick the signal. Warrick then placed a stone on Zornak, putting the alien captain under their command. They ordered Zornak to issue a command freeing all of the prisoners and to depart from Endor immediately. Zornak promptly obeyed, commanding his crewmates to do the same, and they took off in their starship.
Zornak traveled in a starship that had the appearance of a flying castle. He wore pink clothing with yellow sleeves, along with blue gloves and boots. He also wore a blue-and-pink helmet, all of which was concealed by a pink cloak when he disguised himself as a traveler. Additionally, he used a transport chamber to travel to the Ewok village.
Zornak served as the primary antagonist in the fourteenth issue of the Ewoks comic series, authored by David Manak, illustrated by Warren Kremer, and published by Marvel Comics on March 31, 1987.