1729's co-pilot

This individual was the co-pilot of 1729, a supply ship for the Desolation Alley prison on Oovo IV. They noticed an anomaly in the starship's sensor wake but, after their captain had them check again, the co-pilot dismissed it as a glitch. In actuality, the anomaly was bounty hunter Jango Fett using 1729 to slip his ship past the shields surrounding Desolation Alley.

1729's co-pilot's only appearance has been in a cutscene in the 2002 video game, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, in which he was voiced by Robin Atkin Downes.

Behind the scenes

1729's co-pilot's only appearance has been in a cutscene in the 2002 video game, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, in which he was voiced by Robin Atkin Downes.



