1729 functioned as a supply craft servicing the Desolation Alley prison installation located on the Oovo IV asteroid during the year 32 BBY. Two bounty hunters, specifically Zam Wesell and Jango Fett, both exploited the ship to gain unauthorized access to Desolation Alley. Wesell secretly boarded 1729 within its cargo area, while Fett masked his ship by positioning it in the supply ship's sensor shadow as they neared Oovo IV. Although 1729's sensor systems detected both occurrences, the ship's crew disregarded them as mere sensor malfunctions, thereby enabling the bounty hunters to successfully penetrate the prison facility.
1729, a supply ship, exceeded the dimensions of an AIAT/i gunship—the latter having a wingspan measuring thirty-one meters—and was operated by a crew of at least two individuals. The underside of the starship's hull was flat and painted in a yellow hue. The cockpit was situated prominently on the vessel's bow, slightly offset to the left to accommodate a sensor array on the right side; the sensor array was further enhanced by a rectenna positioned on top of the ship. Propulsion for 1729 was provided by three thrusters located at the ship's rear; a larger, centrally positioned thruster flanked by a smaller thruster on each side. The supply ship incorporated a hyperdrive system, along with a lifeform scanner within its cargo bay.

1729 served the purpose of delivering provisions to Desolation Alley, a Republic Correctional Authority prison complex situated on the large asteroid known as Oovo IV. During one particular supply mission in 32 BBY, the craft's sensor equipment registered a biological signature originating from the cargo area. The crew disregarded this anomalous reading as a technical error, unaware that it was caused by Zam Wesell, a Clawdite bounty hunter who had secretly boarded the vessel. The supply ship concluded its hyperspace jump at Oovo IV, initiating a standard approach sequence, during which the shields surrounding the prison were temporarily deactivated to permit 1729's passage.
The co-pilot observed a faint image within their sensor wake, which, unbeknownst to the crew, was attributable to Jango Fett, another bounty hunter. Fett employed tractor beams to maintain his ship, Jaster's Legacy, in close proximity behind 1729, enabling his covert entry into Desolation Alley. The captain, presuming the faint image was connected to the earlier reported biological signature, instructed the co-pilot to re-examine the readings. However, Fett had already deviated from 1729's flight path, and the anomaly was dismissed as another malfunction, thus enabling Fett to land without detection. The supply ship subsequently landed at Desolation Alley's supply port, discharged its cargo, and departed at a later time.
The captain and co-pilot were responsible for piloting 1729. As the ship approached Desolation Alley, the captain maintained communication with the prison's landing controller, while the co-pilot monitored the ship's sensor systems.
1729 made its initial appearance in the 2002 video game titled Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, specifically within a cutscene that introduced the "Asteroid Prison" segment of the game.